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![]() This Day with God, p 188
![]() Were you following Christ, the Word of God would be to you as a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. But you have not made the honor of God the first object of your lifework. You have the Bible. Study it for yourself. The teachings of the divine directory are not to be ignored or perverted. The divine mind will guide those who desire to be led. Truth is truth, and it will enlighten all who seek for it with humble hearts. Error is error, and no amount of worldly philosophizing can make it truth.
![]() Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, 04-06-86
The subjects which many of our ministers present before the people are not half as connected and as clear and strong in argument as they should be. They profess to be teachers of the word, but they sadly neglect to search the Scriptures for themselves. They are content to use the arguments which are prepared in pamphlets and books, and which others have labored earnestly to search out; but they are not willing to tax their minds to study them out for themselves. In order to make full proof of their ministry, those who open the word of God to others should search the Scriptures diligently. They should not be content to use other men's thoughts, but should dig for truth as for hid treasures. While it is perfectly right to gather ideas from other minds, they should not be satisfied to take those ideas and repeat them in a poll-parrot manner. Make these ideas your own, brethren; frame the arguments yourselves, from your own study and research. Do not borrow the productions of other men's brains and pens, and recite them as a lesson; but make the most of the talents, the brain power, that God has given you.
Selected Messages Book 3, p 359
We receive many letters from our brethren and sisters, asking for advice on a great variety of subjects. If they would study the published Testimonies for themselves, they would find the enlightenment they need. Let us urge our people to study these books, and circulate them. Let their teachings strengthen our faith.
Testimonies for the Church Volume Six, p 402-03
The banner of truth and religious liberty which these Reformers held aloft has in this last conflict been committed to us. The responsibility for this great gift rests with those whom God has blessed with a knowledge of His word. We are to receive God's word as supreme authority. We must accept its truths for ourselves. And we can appreciate these truths only as we search them out by personal study. Then, as we make God's word the guide of our lives, for us is answered the prayer of Christ: "Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth." John 17:17. The acknowledgment of the truth in word and deed is our confession of faith. Only thus can others know that we believe the Bible.
The Home Missionary, 11-01-93
And we shall be able to appreciate the truth only as we shall search it out for ourselves, by personal study of the word of God. Then as we accept it as the guide of our lives, the prayer of Christ is answered for us, "Sanctify them through thy truth; thy word is truth." The acknowledgment of the truth, both in word and by example, is our confession of faith, and it is only as we thus acknowledge the truth that others can know that we believe the Bible.
Manuscript Releases Volume Nine, p 113
I am at times made very sad as I think of the use made of the Testimonies. Men and women report everything that strikes them or that they hear as a testimony from Sister White, when Sister White never heard of such a thing. I will send you a copy of a letter I received this morning illustrating this.
The only safety for any of us is to plant our feet upon the Word of God and study the Scriptures, making God's Word our constant meditation. Tell the people to take no man's word regarding the Testimonies, but to read them and study for themselves, and then they will know that they are in harmony with the truth. The Word of God is the truth. Of a good man the psalmist declares, 'His delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His law doth he meditate day and night (Psalm 1:2). He who puts mind and heart into this work gains a solid, valuable experience. The Holy Spirit is in the Word of God. Here is the living, undying element so distinctly represented in the sixth chapter of John.
North Pacific Union Gleaner, 03-30-10
At Portland we attended the annual camp-meeting of our brethren and sisters in Maine. There was a good attendance of those not of our faith. Extra seats had to be provided for those who came. The power of God rested upon the speakers, and hearts were touched. The Lord blessed me as I stood before the people to proclaim the same message of mercy that I had proclaimed to the people of Portland half a century ago, and at various public gatherings through the years that followed. The Lord gave me ready utterance. At the close of the discourse, I asked all who would pledge themselves to carry on a personal study of the Scriptures, in order to find out whether or not the truths presented were in accordance with the Word, to rise to their feet. Nearly every one in that large congregation arose. The Spirit of God was present in a marked manner.
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