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![]() "If it (message to Laodiceans) be ignored, the Lord will certainly cast away from Him those whose spiritual condition is so objectionable" Series B#2, 20.
![]() So, what is Laodiceanism? What are the actions which Laodiceans perform?
1. Abuses God-given privileges--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
2. Affections attached on the earth--Colossians 3:2.
3. Aids enemy in weakening and discouraging those building up God's work (fireman fighting the firemen)--Testimonies, vol 4, p 87.
4. Allows children to form careless, demoralizing habits--Testimonies, vol 7, p 66-67.
5. Allows children to make friends with wrong influences--Testimonies, vol 7, p 66-67.
6. Allows themselves to think that wisdom and knowledge can be found somewhere other than in God-- Colossians 2:4.
7. Allows trials to separate them from Christ--Notebook Leaflets, p 99.
8. Allows filthy communication to come out of mouth--Colossians 3:8.
9. Also referred to as, and fulfills description of, the foolish virgins--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 419-420.
10. Are asleep--Selected Messages, book 1, p 196.
11. Are angry and full of wrath--Colossians 3:8.
12. Are blasphemers--Colossians 3:8.
13. Are fornicators--Colossians 3:5.
14. Are idolaters--Colossians 3:5.
15. Are not humble of mind--Colossians 3:12.
16. Are not kind--Colossians 3:12.
17. Are not longsuffering--Colossians 3:12.
18. Are not meek--Colossians 3:11.
19. Are not merciful--Colossians 3:12.
20. Are not renewed in knowledge of Christ--Colossians 3:10.
21. Are not thankful--Colossians 3:15.
22. Are unclean--Colossians 3:5.
23. Associates with world--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222.
24. Backslidden upon health reform--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 269-274.
25. Backslides--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 966; Review and Herald, vol 2, p 615-616, vol 3, p 181-182.
26. Becoming conformed to world--Experience and Views, p 26 (1854).
27. Beholds things in a perverted light as Satan would have them see--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 961.
28. Believes they are so sanctified that it is impossible to sin--Review and Herald, vol 1, p 194.
29. Careless of own spiritual welfare--Australasian Record, p 477-479 (4-15-12).
30. Carries the dress question to extreme--Spiritual Gifts, book 2, p 222.
31. Carries truth with indifference--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
32. Character formed mostly of self with little of Christ--Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1101.
33. Cherishes thoughts of self-exaltation--Manuscript Release, vol 18, p 193.
34. Children not obeying parents in all things in the Lord--Colossians 3:20.
35. Children not pleasing the Lord--Colossians 3:20.
36. Christ-less--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
37. Cold and formal like the others--Early Writings, p 107.
38. Cold and lifeless--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
39. Conformed to world--Early Writings, p 107.
40. Corrupt in faith--Series B#7, p 13.
41. Corrupt in principle--Series B#7, p 13.
42. Covetous--Review and Herald, vol 1, p 363; Colossians 3:5.
43. Deceived in self--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
44. Deceptive--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
45. Deficient in fervent devotion--Testimonies, vol 4, p 87.
46. Depends on own wisdom--Signs of the Times, vol 3, p 83.
47. Depends upon human capabilities--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
48. Destitute of Holy Spirit--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
49. Discerns mote in eyes of others, but not the beam in own eyes--Testimonies to Ministers, p 296.
50. Dishonoring God--Series B#7, p 13.
51. Dissatisfied with God's work--Life Sketches, p 329 (1888).
52. Does not acknowledge Christ's voice--Revelation 3:20.
53. Does not admonish one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs--Colossians 3:16.
54. Does not allow the word of God to dwell in them--Colossians 3:16.
55. Does not appreciate great light and many opportunities--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 961.
56. Does not battle nobly with tribulation, danger, trials, tests, and provings of God--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 275.
57. Does not bear decided testimony in favor of health reform--Manuscript Releases, vol 1, p 281.
58. Does not bear decided witness in favor of truth--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962; Manuscript Releases, vol 1, p 281.
59. Does not care to unite with certain ones in faith--Testimonies, vol 8, p 104.
60. Does not carry out God's instruction given them--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 964.
61. Does not closely follow principles of faith--Testimonies, vol 4, p 87.
62. Does not communicate light to others--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
63. Does not comply with conditions of God's word--Signs of the Times, vol 2, p 318-319.
64. Does not continue in prayer--Colossians 4:2.
65. Does not cultivate the graces of the Spirit in the life--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
66. Does not diffuse light to others around them--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
67. Does not do works of Christ--Series B#7, p 13.
68. Does not follow instructions in John chapter 17--Loma Linda Messages, p 86.
69. Does not forebear one another--Colossians 3:13.
70. Does not forgive those who have a quarrel against them--Colossians 3:13.
71. Does not fully understand the mystery of God--Colossians 2:2.
72. Does not give a distinct warning to others--Testimonies to Ministers, p 296.
73. Does not give truth to others--Selected Messages, book 2, p 92; Faith I Live By, p 306.
74. Does not have an open ear--Revelation 3:21.
75. Does not have child-like trust in God--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
76. Does not have eyes anointed with heavenly eyesalve--Revelation 3:18.
77. Does not have gold tried in the fire--Revelation 3:18.
78. Does not have graces of Spirit--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
79. Does not have the power of God--Notebook Leaflets, p 99.
80. Does not have whole-hearted obedience to God--Manuscript Releases, vol 7, p 264.
81. Does not have zealous repentance--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
82. Does not hear what Holy Spirit is saying--Revelation 3:22.
83. Does not inquire with sincere hearts as to God's will--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 381-382.
84. Does not know how to give an answer to every one who asks--Colossians 4:6.
85. Does not know what pure religion is--Series B#7, p 13.
86. Does not labor with God--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
87. Does not love one another, including unbelievers, as Christ does--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
88. Does not manifest charity--Colossians 3:14.
89. Does not manifest disinterested benevolence--Review and Herald, vol 4, p 105-106.
90. Does not manifest zealous efforts to overcome--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
91. Does not obey truth in a way that world see's that they have been with Jesus and has learned of Him--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 573-575.
92. Does not open hearts door to Christ--Revelation 3:20.
93. Does not overcome as Christ overcame--Revelation 3:21.
94. Does not perceive sinfulness--Testimonies, vol 6, p 77.
95. Does not pray earnestly--2RH 381-82, Pamphlet #39, p 9.
96. Does not pray for the messengers of the Lord--Colossians 4:3.
97. Does not pray thoughtfully--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
98. Does not realize that all heaven is interested in progress of our getting ready--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 307-308.
99. Does not realize that Christ is coming soon--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 307-308.
100. Does not realize that we are living on the very borders of heaven--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 307-308.
101. Does not redeem the time--Colossians 4:5.
102. Does not reflect God-given rays to others--Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 92.
103. Does not respond to unmerited blessings--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
104. Does not search the Scriptures--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
105. Does not shed a tender warmth and a love to others--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
106. Does not show zeal proportionate to great truth accepted--Southern Watchman, 2-27-02.
107. Does not sing with grace in hearts--Colossians 3:16.
108. Does not speak with grace or being seasoned with salt--Colossians 4:6.
109. Does not sup with Christ--Revelation 3:20.
110. Does not tax mental powers--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 307-308.
111. Does not teach children line upon line, precept upon precept in God's word--Testimonies, vol 7, p 66-67.
112. Does not trust God implicitly--Signs of the Times, vol 2, p 318-319.
113. Does not understand simplicity of faith--Signs of the Times, vol 2, p 318-319.
114. Does not walk in light--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 363-364.
115. Does not walk in wisdom towards unbelievers--Colossians 4:5.
116. Does not watch with thanksgiving--Colossians 4:2.
117. Doing acts to show humility--Colossians 2:18.
118. Double-deals--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
119. Dwells much upon the dress question--Spiritual Gifts, book 2, p 222.
120. Evades truth--This Day With God, p 278.
121. Exalts self--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962; Review and Herald, vol 2, p 363-364; Southern Watchman, 4-16-07.
122. Exalts self by manifesting pride--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
123. Exalts worldly business above heavenly business--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
124. Exerts no personal effort in the saving of other souls--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
125. Exhibits malice--Colossians 3:8.
126. Expresses hypocrisy--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
127. Expresses hypocritical insincerity--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
128. Fails to follow clear light of truth--Review and Herald, vol 5, p 99-100.
129. Fathers discouraging children--Colossians 3:21.
130. Fathers provoking children to anger--Colossians 3:21.
131. Filled with pride of opinion--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 363-364.
132. Following doctrines of men--Colossians 2:22.
133. Forgetful of God--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
134. Forgetting that God is no respecter of persons--Colossians 3:25.
135. Full of rebellion--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357; Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
136. Full of self-sufficiency--Series B#2, p 20.
137. Given great light, but does nothing with it--Selected Messages, book 2, p 92.
138. God is not in their midst--Notebook Leaflets, p 99.
139. Goes to places of amusement--Testimonies, vol 3, p 41.
140. Half-hearted--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 963, p 966; Review and Herald, vol 3, p 181-182.
141. Hard-hearted--Series B#7, p 13.
142. Has a name, but no zeal for God--Testimonies, vol 4, p 87.
143. Has an insipid religious experience--Manuscript Releases, vol 1, p 281.
144. Has evil lusts--Colossians 3:5.
145. Has frail connection with Christ--Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1101.
146. Has inordinate affections--Colossians 3:5.
147. Has little heart culture--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
148. Has no experience in putting to stretch utmost ability to find out truth--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 307-308.
149. Heard the truth, but does not appropriate it to themselves--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 964.
150. Heart is not melted--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
151. Heart is not knit together in love with all fellow believers--Colossians 2:2.
152. Helps others into strange paths by wrong words and deeds--Series B#7, p 13.
153. Hides light under bushel--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 337.
154. Hinders advancement of Lord's work--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 337.
155. Husbands being bitter against wives--Colossians 3:19.
156. Husbands not loving wives as they should--Colossians 3:19.
157. Idlers in the Lord's vineyard--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 961.
158. Ignorant of how sinful own actions are--This Day With God, p 278; Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 232.
159. Indifference to admonitions of the Lord--Atlantic Union Recorder, 477-479 (4-15-12).
160. Indifferent to advancement of work of God--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222.
161. Indifferent to God--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222; Signs of the Times, vol 2, p 318-319.
162. Indulges appetite--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 269-274.
163. Indulges carnal lusts--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 269-274.
164. Ingratitude to God--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357; Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 232.
165. Is boastful--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
166. Is not aroused to do the work which God has given them to do--Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 317.
167. Is not cheerful when having to sacrifice to help those in need--Review and Herald, vol 4, p 105-106.
168. Is not clothed with white raiment--Revelation 3:18.
169. Is not converted--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
170. Is not dead in sins--Colossians 2:13.
171. Is not doing all in the name of the Lord--Colossians 3:16.
172. Is not glad to follow example of Jesus in all things--Review and Herald, vol 4, p 105-106.
173. Is not in company with Christ--Revelation 3:20.
174. Is not led by the Holy Spirit--Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 317.
175. Is not living up to high privileges and responsibilities--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 307-308.
176. Is not putting off sins--Colossians 2:11.
177. Is not rich in faith--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 275-276.
178. Is not rich in good works--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 275-276.
179. Is not seeking that which is lost--Manuscript Releases, vol 9, p 61.
180. Is not standing perfect or complete in will of God--Colossians 4:12.
181. Is not thoughtful--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
182. Is not waiting for Bridegroom--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 615-616.
183. Is unaware of being blind--Revelation 3;17.
184. Is unaware of being miserable--Revelation 3:17.
185. Is unaware of being naked--Revelation 3:17.
186. Is unaware of being poor--Revelation 3:17.
187. Is unaware of being wretched--Revelation 3;17.
188. Joins singing schools with worldlings--Testimonies, vol 3, p 41.
189. Lacks ernest untiring effort--Selected Messages, book 1, p 196.
190. Lacks greatly in moral power and holiness--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 275-276.
191. Lamps untrimmed--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 615-616.
192. Leavened with that opposed to righteousness--Series B#7, p 13.
193. Lives at ease--Youth's Instructor, p 274-275.
194. Lives for self--Our High Calling, p 348.
195. Lives in darkness--Life Sketches, p 329 (1888).
196. Lives in hollow formalism--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
197. Lost first love--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 615-616.
198. Love for Christ is dull--Our High Calling, p 348.
199. Love for Christ lapsed into selfish egotism--Our High Calling, p 348.
200. Loves and lives for self--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
201. Loves ceremonies--Our High Calling, p 348.
202. Loves self-indulgence--This Day With God, p 278; Review and Herald, vol 2, p 269-274; Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 232.
203. Loves self supremely--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
204. Makes the Sabbath annoying to unbelievers--Notebook Leaflets, p 56.
205. Makes themselves a reproach to the truth--Notebook Leaflets, p 56.
206. Makes themselves a stumbling block to others--Selected Messages, book 1, p 180; Notebook Leaflets, p 56.
207. Makes themselves hated because does not take a course to be loved--Notebook Leaflets, p 56.
208. Makes themselves hated because manifests uncultivated manners--Notebook Leaflets, p 56.
209. Makes themselves hated because they make the truth a matter of a quarrel with neighbors--Notebook Leaflets, p 56.
210. Manifests state of indifference and stupor--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 615-616.
211. Mercy of God abused--Series B#7, p 13.
212. Mind is allowed to be molded by spouse--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
213. Mind is not illuminated by Spirit of God--Testimonies, vol 6, p 77.
214. Mind is not on heavenly things--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
215. Motives not pure--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 966.
216. Murmurs at the straight testimony to them--This Day With God, p 278; Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 232.
217. Neglects children in spiritual things--Testimonies, vol 7, p 66-67.
218. No acknowledgement of need of Saviour--Signs of the Times, vol 3, p 83.
219. No fervent love for God in heart--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
220. No real burden of the work--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
221. No sanctifying power in life--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
222. No true confession of sin--Signs of the Times, vol 3, p 83; Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 41.
223. Not a good influence upon others--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
224. Not abounding in faith with thanksgiving--Colossians 2:7.
225. Not alert for men to try and spoil them through philosophy and tradition--Colossians 2:8.
226. Not cold or hot, but lukewarm in works--Revelation 3:15.
227. Not dead to sin--Colossians 3:3.
228. Not distinguishable from those who do not serve God--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 963.
229. Not established in the faith--Colossians 2:7.
230. Not fervent in spirit--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
231. Not full of Christ--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
232. Not giving thanks unto God--Colossians 3:17.
233. Not humble--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
234. Not imitating the self-denying Saviour--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
235. Not imitating the self-sacrificing Saviour--Pamphlet #138, p 47, #39, p 9.
236. Not keeping eyes on Christ--Colossians 2:19.
237. Not loving neighbors as themselves--Pamphlet #138, p 47.
238. Not mortifying body--Colossians 3:5.
239. Not perfect in character--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 964.
240. Not pure in heart--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 966.
241. Not ready or waiting for Christ's appearing--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
242. Not realizing that Christ is God--Colossians 2:9.
243. Not realizing that Christ is the head and has all authority--Colossians 2:10.
244. Not realizing that the feast days, its sabbaths, and new moons were done away with at Christ's death- -Colossians 2:16-17; Manuscript Releases, vol 7, p 333-334, vol 5, p 210; Fundamentals of Christian Education, p 398.
245. Not rooted and built up in Christ--Colossians 2:7.
246. Not seeking the Lord--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 41.
247. Not seeking things above--Colossians 3:1.
248. Not seeking wisdom to use goods to advance God's glory in the earth--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
249. Not thoroughly converted--Southern Watchman, 2-27-02.
250. Not walking in Christ--Colossians 2:6.
251. Obeying commandments of men--Colossians 2:22.
252. Opposes work of God--Life Sketches, p 329 (1888).
253. Partakes of worldly spirit--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222.
254. Passes reproof on to others instead of applying it to themselves--Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 289.
255. Permeated with spirit of the world--Manuscript Releases, vol 1, p 281.
256. Places themselves in places of temptations where they see and hear much that is contrary to God and detrimental to spirituality--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222.
257. Prays without point or purpose--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
258. Pretentious piety--Series B#2, p 20.
259. Professes to keep all God's laws, but does not--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962; Review and Herald, vol 4, p 105-106.
260. Proud--Selected Messages, book 2, p 69; Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
261. Provisions of God's love rejected--Series B#7, p 13.
262. Ready to defend self--This Day With God, p 278.
263. Rebellious--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 232.
264. Receives rebukes from God--Revelation 3:19.
265. Refuses to apply application of message to themselves--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538; Youth's Instructor, p 274-275.
266. Refuses to clear rubbish from door of heart--Review and Herald, vol 6, p 513-516.
267. Refuses to weave principles of truth into life--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 381-382.
268. Refuses to yield up own ideas even when ample evidence is given to contrary--Selected Messages, book, p 69.
269. Relies on feelings--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 966.
270. Relies on impressions--Spiritual Gifts, book 2, p 222.
271. Religion degenerates into a form--Manuscript Releases, vol 19, p 255.
272. Reluctant to accept blessings from heaven--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
273. Resists the appeals of Saviour--Series B#7, p 13.
274. Resists the working of grace--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
275. Reveals personal weakness of character by remaining proud--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
276. Rulers forgetting that they have a Master in heaven--Colossians 4:1.
277. Rulers not giving servants just and equal treatment--Colossians 4:1.
278. Sabbath is merely a cessation of physical labor--Manuscript Releases, vol 19, p 255.
279. Sacrifices faith for worldly favor--Series B#7, p 13.
280. Satisfied to sink down in contentment--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
281. Satisfied with what they are and attainments they have already made--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 363-364.
282. Seeks applause from those around them--Early Writings, p 107.
283. Self-conceited--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 381-382.
284. Self-deceived--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 363-364.
285. Self-important--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
286. Self-reliant--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 193.
287. Self-righteous--Review and Herald, vol 5, p 99-100.
288. Self-satisfied--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 381-382; Youth's Instructor, 274-275.
289. Self-sufficient--Selected Messages, book 2, p 69.
290. Selfish--Review and Herald, vol 1, p 363, vol 4, p 105-106; Pamphlet #138, p 47.
291. Selfish in some things--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
292. Servants forgetting that they receive a reward of inheritance from God--Colossians 3:24.
293. Servants not doing willing service as to God--Colossians 3:23.
294. Servants not obeying their masters from the heart, but only is mouth or action--Colossians 3:22.
295. Serves God and mammon--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 966; Review and Herald, vol 3, p 181-182.
296. Shows hard and unjust spirit towards certain ones in faith--Testimonies, vol 8, p 104.
297. Shows hardness, coldness, and want of sympathy except for a favorite few--Manuscript Releases, vol 9, p 61.
298. Shows little evidence of direct personal guidance of God--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222.
299. Shows little self-denial--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 269-274.
300. Shows no love for certain ones in faith--Testimonies, vol 8, p 104.
301. Slights God-given opportunities--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
302. Slights God's invitations of mercy--Series B#7, p 13.
303. Slothful in business--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
304. Sold in sin--Series B#7, p 13.
305. Spends years in truth, but little advancement in spiritual and divine life--Pamphlet #39, p 9.
306. Spiritually asleep--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 615-616.
307. Stubborn--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538.
308. Stubborn unbelief--Selected Messages, book 2, p 69.
309. Sympathy is withdrawn from God's work--Life Sketches, p 329 (1888).
310. Takes pride in Biblical knowledge--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
311. Takes pride in possession of Spiritual knowledge and advantages--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
312. Talks and acts as if no need of more light--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 381-382.
313. Testimony is not applied to themselves, but oppresses others with it--Spiritual Gifts, book 2, p 222.
314. There is want of faith and love--Signs of the Times, vol 2, p 318-319.
315. They keep barriers up against others (races, religions, or slaves)--Colossians 3:11.
316. They lie one to another--Colossians 3:9.
317. Think they are complete in Christ, but not so--Review and Herald, vol 1, p 194.
318. Think they have all the truth--Selected Messages, book 1, p 357.
319. Threatens the law upon those who oppresses them--Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 317.
320. Tries to be a controlling power--Testimonies to Ministers, p 296.
321. Tries to shine by own light--Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 92.
322. Trusts in self--Signs of the Times, vol 3, p 83.
323. Truth brought no change in heart, but continues on as before--Spiritual Gifts, book 4b, p 29.
324. Truth is not appreciated as sacred and sanctifying--Review and Herald, vol 2, p 221-222.
325. Trying to delve into things kept secret by God--Colossians 2:18.
326. Will not arise and shine for God--Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 41.
327. Will not let peace of God rule in their hearts--Colossians 3:15.
328. Witnesses against God by not serving Him--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 963; Pamphlet #39, p 9.
329. Wives not submitting in all things to their own husbands in the Lord--Colossians 3:18.
330. Worldly ambition--Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 962.
331. Worldly minded--Review and Herald, vol 1, p 363.
332. Yields half-hearted service--Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 473-475.
333. Yields without opposition to Satan's well-laid plots--Atlantic Union Recorder, p 477-479 (4-15-12).
334. Zealous to live in self-inflated religion--Our High Calling, p 348.
"...how few make a practical application of it (this message) to themselves" Selected Messages, book 1, p 306.
"The word of God cannot work effectually in the heart when it is barred out by unbelief" Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 91.
"The message to the Laodicean...comes home to those who do not apply it to themselves" Council to Writers and Editors, p 99.
In this Laodicean condition we cannot be used of God (see Periodical Resource Collection, vol 2, p 536-538), and hence we will not receive the seal of God (see Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 963). And if we refuse to leave the church and the condition of Laodicea, then we are no better than Babylon, and hence we will receive the plagues of God's wrath (see Manuscript Releases, vol 19, p 176)!
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