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![]() Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366
"God has expressed His will in this prayer of Christ [John 17] for the unity of His believing people. But there is an unwearied conflict kept up upon this earth, polluted and marred with the curse. Satan works to make the prayer of Christ of none effect....for where there is unity there is strength, a oneness which all the powers of hell cannot break."
Testimonies, vol 1, p 332
"Jesus is at work through His instruments to gather and unite. Satan works through his instruments to scatter and divide."
Evangelism, p 318
"It is his [Satan's] studied effort to lead professed Christians just as far from heaven's arrangement as he can; therefore he deceives even the professed prople of God and makes them believe that...the only safety for them is to let each pursue his own course, and to remain especially distinct from bodies of Christians who are united...All the efforts made to establish this are considered dangerous, a restriction of rightful liberty, and hence are feared as popery. These deceived souls consider it a virtue to boast of their freedom to think and act independently. They will not take any man's say so. They are amenable to no man. It was and now is Satan's special work to lead men to feel that it is God's order to strike out for themselves and choose their own order independent of their brethren."
Those who oppose perfect unity of God's people with each other are Satan's instruments or agents. But how can we know who are Satan's agents? They are plainly revealed by their fruits and actions in trying to prevent unity. So what are these fruits which expose those among us to be the special agents of the devil today?
1. Those who accuse. E.G. White in Europe, p 278.
2. Those who act from impulse. Series A#1a, p 5.
3. Those who act from passion. Series A#1a, p 5.
4. Those who act from prejudice. Series A#1a, p 5.
5. Those who act like children in association with one another. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
6. Those who allow differences in points of opinion to cause coldness and indifference toward others. Manuscript Releases, vol 12, p 365.
7. Those who allow dissentions to exist among brethren. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
8. Those who allow evil-surmisings in their hearts. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
9. Those who allow personal feelings to be easily stirred up. Manuscript Releases, vol 12, p 365.
10. Those who allow pride to be easily hurt. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
11. Those who allow self to be center. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
12. Those who allow the root of bitterness to spring up and cherish it. Mind, Character, and Personality, vol 2, p 639.
13. Those who allow their dignity to be easily hurt. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
14. Those who allow their ears to hear wrong, and then report the wrong. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
15. Those who allow their senses to imagine wrong, and then report the wrong. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
16. Those who allow their tongue to report falsehood. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
17. Those who anxiously endeavor to point out errors in their brethren. Testimonies, vol 5, p 238.
18. Those who are ambitious for honor. Steps to Christ, p 73.
19. Those who are busybodies. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-164.
20. Those who believe heresy. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79.
21. Those who bite and devour one another. Testimonies, vol 5, p 243.
22. Those who bring in different sentiments of faith. Testimonies, vol 1, p 326-327.
23. Those who bring in evil speaking. Publishing Ministry, p 114.
24. Those who bring in evil-surmising. Publishing ministry, p 114.
25. Those who bring in jealousy. Publishing Ministry, p 114.
26. Those who bring in spirit of opposition among Christians. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
27. Those who bring in variance. Publishing Ministry, p 114.
28. Those who bring passion into God's church. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
29. Those who bring pride into God's church. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
30. Those who build territorial lines of distinction between brethren. Manuscript Releases, vol 6, p 331.
31. Those who are causeing alienation between brethren. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
32. Those who are continually sowing seeds of disaffection. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 164.
33. Those who are covetous. 2 Peter 2:3.
34. Those who are in contradiction with God's will. Our High Calling, p 170.
35. Those who are of a criticizing spirit. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79; Review and Herald, 8-27-89.
36. Those who cause confusion in God's church. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
37. Those who cause errors in others. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
38. Those who cause estrangement between brethren. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
39. Those who cause mistakes in others. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
40. Those who cause or spread discouragement. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
41. Those who cause sorrow. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
42. Those who cause weakness. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
43. Those who charge wrong against another without giving them a chance to answer the charges. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
44. Those who charge wrong against another without giving them a clear, definite statement of the supposed wrong. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
45. Those who cherish envy. Conflict and Courage, p 357.
46. Those who cherish evil in their hearts. Conflich and Courage, p 357.
47. Those who cherish false reports which destroys the influence of those engaged in God's work. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
48. Those who cherish hardness against others. Manuscript Releases, vol 2, p 274.
49. Those who cherish hate. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
50. Those who cherish malice. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
51. Those who cherish prejudice. Paulson Collection, p 153.
52. Those who cherish secret feelings of dissatisfaction against those who bear the burden of the work. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
53. Those who cherish spirit of accusation. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
54. Those who cherish strife. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
55. Those who cherish suspicion toward each other. Manuscript Releases, vol 12, p 365; Conflict and Courage, p 357.
56. Those who circulate false reports which destroys the influence of those engaged in God's work. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
57. Those who close their eyes to all that is commendable and righteous about those whom they dislike. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
58. Those who communicate darkness to God's church. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
59. Those who communicate unbelief to God's church. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
60. Those who contradict one anothers testimony. Manuscript Releases, vol 8, p 67.
61. Those who counterwork efforts of fellow laborers. Counsels on Diet and Foods, p 401.
62. Those who counterwork the teaching on health reform. Counsels on Diet and Foods, p 401.
63. Those who create bitterness. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
64. Those who create discord. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
65. Those who criticize habits of dress. Review and Herald, 8-27-89.
66. Those who criticize manners. Review and Herald, 8-27-89.
67. Those who criticize those whom God has chosen. 1888 Materials, p1248.
68. Those who criticize those whom God is using. 1888 Materials, p 1247.
69. Those whose cherished idol is self. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
70. Those who are deceptive. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
71. Those who are dictitorial. E.G. White in Europe, p 278.
72. Those who are dishonest. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79.
73. Those who are of a denouncing spirit. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79.
74. Those who deal in undercurrent work [gossip]. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
75. Those who despise correction. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
76. Those who distract God's workers from doing their work. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
77. Those who distribute the leaven of accusation against others. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
78. Those who distribute the leaven of distrust about others. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
79. Those who distribute the leaven of malice against others. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
80. Those who divide into parties. Testimonies, vol 5, p 243.
81. Those who do things in direct contradiction to another in the same work. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
82. Those who dwell upon differences of opinion. Manuscript Releases, vol 6, p 242.
83. Those who want to draw apart from brethren in the same faith. E.G. White in Europe, p 278.
84. Those who are envious. Review and Herald, 11-12-03, 6-28-87; Signs of the Times, 11-2-88; Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
85. Those who evil-surmise about others. Review and Herald, 4-22-90; Conflict and Courage, p 357.
86. Those who exalt self. Review and Herald, 11-12-03.
87. Those who exalt their ideas as supreme. Manuscript Releases, vol 2, p 275.
88. Those who exalt their opinions as supreme. Manuscript Releases, vol 2, p 275.
89. Those who keep their ears open to reports that injure their brethren. 1888 Materials, p 1092.
90. Those who are false-accusers. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
91. Those who are fault-finders. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80; Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 164; Testimonies, vol 1, p 251; Conflict and Courage, p 357.
92. Those who are filled with their own doings. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
93. Those who are full of vanity. Review and Herald, 4-22-90.
94. Those who feel a special interest in finding fault. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
95. Those who feel free to condemn other. Manuscript Releases, vol 2, p 274.
96. Those who fight against God's servants. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
97. Those who follow feelings as sufficient evidence. Pamphlet #16, p 10.
98. Those who follow impressions as sufficient evidence. Pamphlet #16, p 10.
99. Those who give false reasons instead of the correct one. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
100. Those who give in to envious feelings. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
101. Those who give in to jealous feelings. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
102. Those who give sympathy to those who have spirit of opposition. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
103. Those who go off on tangents. Manuscript Releases, vol 8, p 67.
104. Those who hate refroof. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
105. Those who have a bitter spirit. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
106. Those who have an excitable spirit. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
107. Those who have enmity against others. Spirit of Prophecy, vol 4, p 340.
108. Those who have hatred towards others. 1888 Materials, p 1011.
109. Those who have little forbearance for their brethren. E.G. White in Europe, p 277.
110. Those who have little love for one another. E.G. White in Europe, p 276.
111. Those who have spirit of opposition. Testimonies, vol 1, p 250.
112. Those who have unholy ambition. Review and Herald, 11-12-03; Signs of the Times, 11-2-88.
113. Those who have unholy tempers. E.G. White in Europe, p 278.
114. Those who have unsanctified hearts. E.G. White in Europe, p 278.
115. Those who hold barriers between brethren of different color or caste. Manuscript Releases, vol 6, p 331.
116. Those who hold to sin. Manuscript Releases, vol 12, p 365.
117. Those who hold to variance with one another. Our High Calling, p 170.
118. Those who are impetuous. Steps to Christ, p 73.
119. Those who are interested in the affairs of others, but neglect their own duty. Review and Herald, 4-16-89.
120. Those who indulge hatred. Testimonies, vol 5, p 243.
121. Those who indulge strife. Testimonies, vol 5, p 243.
122. Those who introduce things which cause division. Review and Herald, 9-23-09.
123. Those who introduce things which cause strife. Review and Herald, 9-23-09.
124. Those who are jealous of others. Acts of Apostles, p 88; 1888 Materials, p 1011; Signs of the Times, 11-2-88; Review and Herald, 6-28-87, 8-27-89; Pamphlet #97, p 45; Testimonies, vol 1, p 251; Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
125. Those who judge. E.G. White in Europe, p 278.
126. Those who pronounce judgment. Review and Herald, 8-27-89.
127. Those who keep light from others. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
128. Those who are looking at the failings of others. Review and Herald, 4-16-89.
129. Those who labor to have entirely different messages from others. Manuscript Releases, vol 8, p 67.
130. Those who labor to show rivalry. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
131. Those who labor to show superiority. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
132. Those who lack noble frankness with one another. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
133. Those who lead others to take up the reproach against those whom they dislike. Home Missionary, 1-1- 92.
134. Those who let envy rule. Our High Calling, p 170.
135. Those who let jealousy rule. Our High Calling, p 170.
136. Those who let strife rule. Our High Calling, p 170.
137. Those who let their tongues express the jealousy of their hearts. Testimonies, vol 4, p 337.
138. Those who look for defects. Conflict and Courage, p 357.
139. Those who look for flaws. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
140. Those who lose brotherly love. Conflict and Courage, p 357.
141. Those who lose love of Christ in their heart. Conflict and Courage, p 357.
142. Those who lose sight of Christ. Conflict and Courage, p 357.
143. Those who are murmurers. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 164.
144. Those who magnify the mistakes of those whom they dislike. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
145. Those who make more of the faults of others than their own. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
146. Those who make of no account words of justly reproof given them. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
147. Those who make remarks to try and hurt others. E.G.White in Europe, p 276.
148. Those who manifest little patience for your brethren. E.G. White in Europe, p 277.
149. Those who measure others by their own standards. Review and Herald, 8-27-89.
150. Those who murmur against God. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
151. Those who murmur against their brethren. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
152. Those who are not equally concerned and interested in the advantage of their brethren. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
153. Those who are not equally concerned and interested in the success of their brethren. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
154. Those who are not quick to discern their own errors. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
155. Those who are not quick to discern their own mistakes. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
156. Those who are not reconciled with those whom God has chosen to bear His message. 1888 Materials, p 1245.
157. Those who are not severe upon their own defects of character. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
158. Those who are not slow to communicate suspicions to others. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
159. Those who do not cleanse their soul-temple. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80; Testimonies, vol 4, p 337.
160. Those who do not love all their brethren. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
161. Those who do not love their neighbor as themselves. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
162. Those who do not purify their hearts. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
163. Those who do not want harmony among all brethren. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
164. Those who have no special interest to do strict justice in all things with their others. Review and Herald, 7-5- 87.
165. Those who oppose enforcing order among God's people. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
166. Those who oppose those whom God has chosen. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
167. Those who are passing their own judgment on others. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79.
168. Those who are pettish. Manuscript Releases, vol 11, p 49.
169. Those who are prejudiced against others. Paulson Collection, p 153-54; Testimonies, vol 8, p 84; 1888 Materials, p 1011.
170. Those who are proud. Review and Herald, 4-22-90, 11-12-03; Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
171. Those who participate in secret whisperings. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
172. Those who present others in a false light. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
173. Those who profess to have discernment to discover spots in characters. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
174. Those who profess to have discernment to discover stains in characters. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
175. Those who promote strife. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
176. Those who promote variance. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
177. Those who put forth the finger. 1888 Materials, p 1247.
178. Those who are of a questioning spirit. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79.
179. Those who have quick tempers. Steps to Christ, p 73.
180. Those who question why God has chosen certain ones to do His work. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
181. Those who quibble about matters of little importance. Manuscript Releases, vol 6, p 242.
182. Those who quibble about matters which are not tests from God. Manuscript Releases, vol 6, p 242.
183. Those who are rebellious. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
184. Those who are resentful under injuries. Steps to Christ, p 73.
185. Those who receive false reports which destroys the influence of those engaged in God's work. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
186. Those who refuse to dethrone self that Jesus might be enshrined in their hearts. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
187. Those who report suppositions as facts of truth. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
188. Those who report the mistakes of those whom they dislike. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
189. Those who retard the work of advance among God's people. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
190. Those who retard the work of reform among God's people. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
191. Those who are self-assertive. Steps to Christ, p 73.
192. Those who are selfish. Spirit of Prophecy, vol 4, p 340; Review and Herald, 4-22-90.
193. Those who are speaking of the evil traits of others. Review and Herald, 4-16-89.
194. Those who by his spirit seeks to counterwork the influence of the minister of Christ. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-64.
195. Those who seek spots upon the characters of others. Testimonies, vol 4, p 337.
196. Those who seek stains upon the characters of others. Testimonies, vol 4, p 337.
197. Those who seek vainglory. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
198. Those who seize upon the mistakes of others whom they dislike. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
199. Those who set themselves up as judges by admitting evil thoughts. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
200. Those who sow seeds of doubt about others. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-164.
201. Those who sow seeds of infidelity about others. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-164.
202. Those who speak evil of others. Mind, Character, and Personality, vol 2, p 639; Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-164.
203. Those who speak words of vanity. 1888 Materials, p 1247.
204. Those who spread falsehood. Selected Messages, book 2, p 79.
205. Those who spread fanatical teachings. Review and Herald, 9-12-93; Spiritual Gifts, book 4b, p 159.
206. Those who spread sorrow. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
207. Those who spread their bitterness about one another to other minds. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
208. Those who spread their evil-surmisings to other minds. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
209. Those who spread their suspicions about one another to other minds. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
210. Those who spread weakness. Manuscript Releases, vol 18, p 366.
211. Those who stand aloof from those whom God is using. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
212. Those who stand between God and the people. 1888 Materials, p 1248.
213. Those who stand ready to oppose every advance step that God would have His people make. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
214. Those who strain to be new and original. Manuscript Releases, vol 8, p 67.
215. Those who strive for the supremacy. Review and Herald, 11-12-03.
216. Those who are tale-bearers. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
217. Those who take advantage of mistakes of others. 1888 Materials, p 1247.
218. Those who take up and spread reports against others. 1888 Materials, p 1092.
219. Those who talk of the errors of others. E.G. White in Europe, p 279.
220. Those who talk of the mistakes of others. E.G. White in Europe, p 279.
221. Those who teach things which nourish disunion. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
222. Those who tear down that which God designs to be built up. Review and Herald, 8-27-61.
223. Those who tell others first instead of telling the very one their talking about. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
224. Those who think evil of one another. Mind, Character, and Personality, vol 2, p 639.
225. Those who try to counteract work to be done. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
226. Those who are unyielding. Signs of the Times, 5-6-80.
227. Those who use their influence to counterwork the influence of the minister of Christ. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-164.
228. Those who use their words to counterwork the influence of the minister of Christ. Manuscript Releases, vol 15, p 163-164.
229. Those who are watching for evil in others. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
230. Those who watch eagerly for all that is wrong against those whom they dislike. Home Missionary, 1-1-92.
231. Those who watch for errors in their brethren. Testimonies, vol 5, 238.
232. Those who watch others with distrust. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
233. Those who watch others with jealousy. Pamphlet #97, p 45.
234. Those who weaken God's church. Review and Herald, 1-3-93.
235. Those who will not concede to the right. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
236. Those who will not consent to correct their wrongs. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
237. Those who will not walk in the light. Pamphlet #146, p 18.
238. Those who work to be esteemed. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
239. Those who work to exalt self. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
240. Those who work plans for their own selfish interest. Review and Herald, 7-5-87.
241. Those who are zealous to spread false reports. Testimonies, vol 1, p 251.
"Union with Christ and with one another is our only safety." Testimonies, vol 7, p 239.
"The casue of divisions or discord in the church is separation from Christ. The secret of unity is union with Christ. Christ is the great Center. We shall approach one another just in proportion as we approach the center.
United with Christ, we shall surely be united with our brethren in the faith." 1888 Materials, p 1125.
"If we draw nigh to God, individually, then don't you see what the result will be? Can't you see that we will draw nigh to one another? We cannot draw nigh to God, and come to the same cross, without our hearts being blended together in perfect unity, answering the prayer of Christ 'that they may be one' as He is one with the Father. And therefore we should seek in spirit, in understanding, in faith, that we may be one, that God may be glorified in us as He is glorified in the Son; and that God shall love us as He loves the Son." Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 937 (Manuscript 7, 1890).
"Union is strength; division is weakness. When those who believe present truth are united, they exert a telling influence." Testimonies, vol 5, p 236.
"'He that is not with Me is against Me,' Christ declares, 'and he that gathereth not with Me scattereth abroad.' God has given to every man his work. He expects every follower of His to exert an influence that will tell for the upbuilding of His kingdom. He who is not actively engaged in promoting love and unity and equity is exerting an influence that is opposed to Christ." Series B#2, p 44.
"As we approach the last crisis, it is of vital moment [importance] that harmony and unity exist among the Lord's instrumentalities." Publishing Ministry, p 114.
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