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![]() ![]() ![]() Does the Bible Teach that the Holy Spirit is a God other than the Father and the Son?
![]() “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.
![]() Is this verse teaching that there was only 1 God in the beginning who created the heaven and the earth? The Hebrew word for God used in this text is “Elohiym” (Strong’s Exhaustive Hebrew Concordance, word #430) which is the plural form of 1 God. So the text correctly reads: “in the beginning, Gods created the heaven and the earth.” Hence in the very first verse of the Bible, we have the truth taught to us that there was more than just 1 God in the beginning who involved Themselves in creating the heaven and the earth!
Now this true biblical belief that there is more than 1 God in heaven is not the Trinity doctrine. Trinity teaches that there is only 1 God who split Himself into 3 Persons. As soon as you understand that there is more than just 1 God in heaven, the Trinity doctrine is seen to be error, and its spiritualistic foundation crumbles. So when you understand that there is more than 1 God in heaven, and that the Trinity doctrine is not Biblical truth, you then are beginning to be set free from all spiritualism!
Then how many Gods are there in heaven? To discover how many Gods there are, let us see how many different beings were involved in creating the heaven and the earth.
“...God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 3:9.
“(God) Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” Hebrews 1:2.
“For by him (Jesus Christ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16-17.
So we see that there were at least two beings involved in creation: God–the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. But were these the only beings who involved Themselves in creation?
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:2.
“By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.” Job 26:13.
“Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.” Psalms 104:30.
So we see that there were not just two beings involved in creation, but there were actually three beings–God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible does not reveal that there were any other beings in the beginning who involved Themselves in creating the heaven and the earth. Hence we can now easily figure out just how many Gods Genesis 1:1 declares were involved in creation:
“In the beginning, Gods (or God–the Father, God–the Son, and God–the Holy Spirit) created the heaven and the earth.
Thus we can see, in this very first verse of the Bible, the truth that in the beginning there were three Gods who each involved Themselves in creating the heaven and the earth.
In our other study we clearly saw that the Bible teaches that Jesus Christ is a God Himself other than God–His Father. So the Bible teaches that there is more than just one God in heaven, that there are at least two Gods–The Father and His Son Jesus Christ. In understanding this truth, you can already see that the Babylonian teachings of the Trinity and Spiritualism, that there is only one God in heaven, is nothing but false doctrine and does not coincide or harmonize with Bible truth.
But what about the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit also a God in heaven?
If you should ask this question to one who believes in the spiritualistic Trinity doctrine, they would declare that the Holy Spirit is a person who makes up part of just one God, or is a manifestation of this one God, but is not a God by Himself.
“There is one God...In God there are three persons, Father, Son and Holy Ghost...” The Convert’s Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p 31, by Peter Geiermann, C.SS. R., IMPRIMATUR, September 16, 1957.
If you should ask this same question to one who believes in the spiritualistic Mystery Religion of Babylon, they would declare that the Holy Spirit is born or proceeds from, and is used by, the only God–the Father and His Son, but that the Spirit is not a separate person or entity.
Spiritualism--"The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Godhead--the infinite source of all. It is the Breath of Atman,--the infinite power of God. It is not separate from, but operative through the Christ--the Higher Self." Dictionary of All Scriptures and Myths, by G.A. Gaskell, p 366 (this dictionary uses the philosophic sacredly held writings of all religions such as Zoroaster, Philo, Swedenborg, Buddah, Hermes, the Qabbalah, etc., in order to derive the definitions--hence the definitions given are mystical and spiritualistic).
Spiritualism--"Put thy trust in the Divine Breath--the Holy Spirit--which is the functioning of the Absolute [God] upon the buddhic plane." Dictionary, p 816.
Spiritualism--"Medieval theology generally distinguished...the Holy Ghost [as] being the copula [or union] between the Father and the Son." Dictionary, p 770.
Spiritualism--"The difference between the Father and the Son is this--'The Father' is to express God-hidden, 'The Son' is God-manifest, and the 'Holy Ghost' is the knowledge of the Spirit of truth, proceeding from the experience of both, as God hidden, and revealed." Dictionary, p 770.
Spiritualism--"In the heart of the Trinity [or One God] the Creator laughs and gives birth to the child. The child laughs back at the Creator and together they give birth to the Spirit." Meister Eckhart quoted in The Coming of the Cosmic Christ, p 218-19, by Matthew Fox.
Spiritualism--"I [Father of All Things] order you [Son of Light] to go forth, to become as a guide to those who wander in darkness, that all men within whom dwells the spirit of My Mind (The Universal Mind) may be saved by My Mind in you, which shall call forth My Mind in them....for I am the Mind of the Mysteries...'" The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p XL, by Manly P. Hall--33rd Degree Mason (Hall is quoting Hermes or Cush who was the interpreter of the Mysteries, or basically the founder of spiritualistic Babylonian religion. Cush was also the father of Nimrod, who founded Babylon and then based its Mystery religion upon the teachings of his father).
Thus we can see that in both the Trinity doctrine, as well as the mystery religion of ancient Babylon, is taught the spiritualistic belief that the Holy Spirit is not a God Himself, but is just an essence, or the power, or the mind, or a manifestation of this one God, and which is used by both the Father and His Son. And the really sad part of all this is the fact that there are multitudes who innocently believe these spiritualistic teachings about the Holy Spirit, and yet they do not realize that they are in harmony with these same Trinitarian and Babylonian false doctrines!
But what does the Bible teach is the truth regarding the Holy Spirit? Since the Bible has proven that the Father is God in heaven, and has also proven that His Son Jesus Christ is another God in heaven–thus making up at least two different Gods in heaven, does the Bible declare that the Holy Spirit is also a God in heaven--other than both the Father and the Son? If so, and the Bible does indeed declare that the Holy Spirit is also a God, then it will be only the most obstinate and proud hearted individuals who will continue to hold onto the Spiritualistic lies from the devil–refusing to give up these false Babylonian doctrines of there being only one God in heaven!
Therefore is the Holy Spirit also a God?
--The Holy Spirit has Omnipresence (see Psalms 139:7).
--The Holy Spirit is eternal (see Hebrews 9:14).
--The Holy Spirit is all powerful (see Luke 1:35).
So the Holy Spirit is omnipresent, eternal and all powerful–which are only the powers of a God! But does the Bible plainly declare that the Holy Spirit is a God?
“But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost...why has thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.” Acts 5:3-4.
Thus the Bible plainly declares that the Holy Spirit is indeed a God other than God–the Father and God–the Son. And also you can now begin to understand that the Holy Spirit was one of the Gods and Beings in the beginning who created the heaven and the earth (see Genesis 1:2; Job 33:4).
What Consequences are there to Denying that the Holy Spirit is a Person, Being and God Other than the Father and the Son?
Satan's hatred is intense against the three Persons and Gods making up the Godhead–especially against the Holy Spirit! And he has been doing all that he can to attack the personage of the Holy Spirit Itself--trying to get humanity to deny that the Holy Spirit exists as a third divine Person and Being in the Godhead. If the Devil can get people to believe his spiritualistic Trinitarian and Babylonian doctrines that the Holy Spirit is not a God Himself, or that He is just an essence, or power, or mind of just one God, then he has succeeded in getting us to reject the Holy Spirit as the third Person and third Being in the Godhead. If we indeed believe this and reject the personage and Godhood of the Holy Spirit, then how can we expect the Holy Spirit Itself to work for us? How can we expect the Holy Spirit to help us, when we've rejected that He really exists?
Those early Christian believers, who did not know that the Holy Ghost existed, did not have the Holy Spirit's power in their lives (see Acts 8:14-17, 18:1-7). And it will be the same with those who believe that there is not a third living Person and Being in the Godhead whose name is the Holy Spirit!
This devilish attack against the Holy Spirit Itself is being made by men who profess to be God's servants and ministers among the followers of God. These men may appear as the ministers of righteousness, yet they are voicing the spiritualistic Babylonian doctrines of the devil (see 2 Corinthians 11:13-15). They claim and teach that the Holy Spirit is not a living third divine Person or Being of His own--when He really is; that He doesn't have a name or personality all His own--when He really has; and that He does not have a mind and cannot think on His own--when He really does.
By their refusal to recognize the Holy Spirit as the third distinct, living holy Being, divine Person, and God of the Godhead--thus believing that He doesn't exist, they are denying Him, insulting Him, grieving Him, doing despite to Him, and rejecting Him! And Christ commands us not to do these things or else we run the risk of committing the unpardonable sin and being hopelessly lost! (See Ephesians 4:30; Hebrews 10:29; Mark 3:28-29; Luke 12:10; Matthew 12:31).
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