"LET  THERE  BE  LIGHT"  Ministries
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GREATER  and  LESSER  LIGHT,  part  4  quotes

1)     “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.” Isaiah 8:20.

2)    What happens to wayward stars?

     All stars are enabled to shine because God daily provides them with enough hydrogen fuel to convert into helium through nuclear fusion.  This conversion produces an incredible amount of energy which can be given off as light.  This light is white and contains all colors of the rainbow, but the reason why the color of our sun appears yellow is because of how hot it’s surface temperature is - about 5,500 Kelvin (9400F or 5200C).  If our sun's surface temperature was to grow significantly hotter or colder, its color would change (see Web Exhibits website, under Causes of Color: What Causes the Colors Seen in Stars and Nebulae? - Stars Great and Small, at https://www.webexhibits.org/causesofcolor/18B.html, accessed 5-15-24).

     This reveals that stars were created to burn hot at a certain temperature in daily sacrificing some of their energy to shine forth their light to dispel darkness around them.  This is a perfect example of self-sacrifice.

     But without God’s daily blessing of fuel, these stars would be forced to rely upon themselves for fuel, until that would eventually be exhausted and then their light would go out in darkness.  As long as stars humbly depended upon God for their daily fuel, all would be well.  But if they ceased to depend upon God, and begin depending upon themselves for their daily fuel, then all would not be well.

     When a regular sized star, like our sun (but no more larger than about 8 times the size of our sun), loses its normal daily hydrogen fuel it needs to convert into helium, it “has begun the process of dying”.  It then begins feeding upon itself by fusing helium into carbon, then carbon into whatever heavier elements it might have in order to stay alive.  The star then grows larger and brighter than it originally was.  As its surface area is now larger, its temperature decreases to around 4000 Kelvin (6700F or 3700C), and its color then changes from a yellowish hue to a darker reddish hue, becoming what is commonly referred to as a Red Giant.  As it continues to grow larger, all nearby innocent objects become caught in its fiery expanding mass and are consumed and destroyed, and their particular fuel is now utilized by this Red Giant in order for it to remain alive.  This process continues on until all nearby objects are consumed and destroyed and the star has totally consumed itself.  Then nuclear fusion stops, it collapses upon itself, dies and its light quietly goes out in darkness (see ESA Hubble website, article titled: Red Giant, at https://esahubble.org/wordbank/red-giant/, accessed 5-16-24; and Space.com website, Article titled: Red Giant Stars, by Nola Taylor Tillman, July 29, 2023, at https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html, accessed 5-6-24).

     These facts reveal that a star was originally designed to be humbly dependant for its daily fuel in order to be self-sacrificing in benefitting others by dispelling darkness.  But when it began to depend upon itself, it begins to die and grows brighter and larger, colder and darker in color, stealing from and consuming others in order to remain alive, until there is no more fuel remaining.  It then ceases to shine, and quietly adds to the darkness.  This is a perfect example of selfishness.

3)    When a giant star (about 8-40 times larger than our sun) loses its normal daily hydrogen fuel to convert into helium, it also begins to die and starts feeding upon itself in order to keep shining.  This process continues on about 1000 times faster than a regular Red Giant sized star, until it consumes itself, collapses upon itself and dies.  But instead of peacefully going out in darkness, it explodes in a powerful blast, commonly referred to as a supernova.  This supernova is tremendously bright, and when it is all finished, what now occupies the place where this Supergiant star used to be is either a Neutron Star or a Black Hole (see Space.com website, Article titled: Red Giant Stars, by Nola Taylor Tillman, July 29, 2023, at https://www.space.com/22471-red-giant-stars.html, accessed 5-6-24).

     Both a Neutron Star and a Black Hole are super dense objects.  Imagine taking a star which is 1 million miles in diameter and compressing its whole mass down to just 10 miles wide. A piece the size of a sugar cube would weigh about 1 billion tons, and its gravitational force would be tremendous compared to its size.  But unlike a Neutron Star, the size of a Black Hole can be millions of miles wide!  In both cases, their immense gravitational force draws everything directly to them in order to be consumed and destroyed (see Space.com website, article titled What Are Neutron Stars, by Robert Lea, May 24, 2023, at https://www.space.com/22180-neutron-stars.html, accessed 5-6-24; and Sky & Telescope website, article titled: Sizes of Black Holes, by Maria Temming, July 22, 2014, at https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-resources/how-big-is-a-black-hole/, accessed 5-6-24; and HubbleSite website, News Release titled: Hubble Sees Bare Neutron Star Streaking Across Space, November 09, 2000, at https://hubblesite.org/contents/news-releases/2000/news-2000-35.html, accessed 5-16-24).

4)    Neutron stars are “the most exotic objects in the universe”, and they have some “extreme characteristics”.  Some spin slow, while others spin very fast, anywhere from about 8-700 times a second.  But not all Neutron Stars act in the very same way.

     Some Neutron stars, known as Magnetars, have a magnetic force that is “one thousand trillion times stronger than the magnetosphere of Earth”.  While many Neutron Stars pulse with light, reminding us of strobe lights.  These are known as Pulsars.

     Pulsars emit very powerful “beams of radiation from each pole, including radio, visible, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths” at regular intervals ranging “from milliseconds to seconds”.  With some Pulsars, their magnetic poles are not aligned with their spin axis, so these beams of light are “swept around as the star rotates”, and when “the beam crosses our line-of-sight, we see a pulse” which appears to “turn on and off as the beam sweeps over Earth”, much like seeing a lighthouse at night (see Space.com website, article titled What Are Neutron Stars, by Robert Lea, May 24, 2023, at https://www.space.com/22180-neutron-stars.html, accessed 5-6-24; and NASA website, Goddard Space Flight Center, article titled: Imagine the Universe - Neutron Stars, March, 2017, at https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/objects/neutron_stars1.html, accessed 5-17-24).

     In any Neutron star, especially Magnetars, “the crust of the star is locked together with the magnetic field so that any change in one affects the other. The crust is under an immense amount of strain, and a small movement of the crust can be explosive” and “cause the neutron star to release a vast amount of energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation” (see NASA website, Goddard Space Flight Center, article titled: Imagine the Universe - Neutron Stars, March, 2017, at https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/objects/neutron_stars1.html, accessed 5-17-24).  If this huge amount of electromagnetic radiation were to directly hit earth, it could cause a whole lot of various problems

     If an object in space were caught in the huge gravitational pull of any Neutron Star, it would be drawn downward and begin to spin around in circles until it matched the same rotational speed of the Star.  If this object were to resist and try to escape, it would have to speed itself up to about 93,000 mph just to overcome the downward gravitational force.  If it could not escape, it would eventually grow tired of resisting, submit and be drawn down to the surface.  When objects about the size of a marshmallow finally reach the Neutron Star’s surface, they would be destroyed in a release of energy “equivalent to the detonation of a thousand hydrogen bombs”.  When gas reaches the Neutron Star’s surface it is consumed in a “powerful firework displays in X-ray light that flicker in intensity thousands of times per second or perhaps burst only once” (see Space.com website, article titled What Are Neutron Stars, by Robert Lea, May 24, 2023, at https://www.space.com/22180-neutron-stars.html, accessed 5-6-24).

     Some Neutron Stars do not remain fixed in just one place, but can travel through space at “about 240,000 miles per hour” (HubbleSite website, News Release titled: Hubble Sees Bare Neutron Star Streaking Across Space, November 09, 2000, at https://hubblesite.org/contents/news-releases/2000/news-2000-35.html, accessed 5-16-24).  This means that instead of being passive and allowing objects to come to them, they instead are actively seeking objects to destroy.

     These facts reveal that a Neutron Star selfishly makes itself the center of attraction, using flashing pulsing lights to gain attention, in order to draw any innocent objects to itself in either a passive or aggressive way, so they can be caught, drawn downward, spin around in circles until they are destroyed in a way that attracts more attention!

5)    The dense mass of a Black Hole can be “a few times the mass of the sun”, to billions of times the mass of our sun.  This makes its gravitational pull so immense that nothing, “not even light can escape” from being absorbed by it.  They become so immense because they grow in size the more matter they absorb (see Sky & Telescope website, article titled: Sizes of Black Holes, by Maria Temming, July 22, 2014, at https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy-resources/how-big-is-a-black-hole/, accessed 5-6-24; and Space.com website, article titled Black Holes, by Nola Taylor Tillman and Daisy Dobrijevic, May 19, 2023, at https://www.space.com/15421-black-holes-facts-formation-discovery-sdcmp.html).

     Black Holes are darkness themselves.  They absorb anything that gets too close to their huge gravitational attraction, and when absorbed into their darkness there is no escape - even light itself is seen no more.  The more they absorb, the bigger they become and attract even more objects into their darkness.  And some Black Holes can travel through space at around “63,000,000 miles per hour” or around “17,500 miles per second” (Business Insider Newsletter, Science section, article titled: Black Holes Can Speed Through the Universe, by Sonam Sheth and Morgan McFall-Johnsen, August 23, 2023, at https://www.businessinsider.com/black-hole-speed-limit-could-reveal-new-laws-of-physics-2023-8, accessed 5-16-24).

     This reveals that a Black Hole selfishly makes itself the center of attraction in order to draw all objects - including light - into itself so they can be absorbed and it can then grow larger.  And some do not just wait for objects to come to them, but actively travel in order to find more objects to devour in its blackness!

     A Black Hole can also be created by a “direct collapse”.  This happens when a star “simply collapsed into a black hole without any pomp or fireworks”, and just “winked out of existence, with no supernova or other explanation” (Live Science website, article titled “The Largest Black Holes in the Universe..., by Brandon Specktor, July 4, 2019, at https://www.livescience.com/65857-direct-collapse-black-holes-proved-theoretically.html, accessed 5-15-24; and Big Think website, Starts With A Bang Newsletter, article titled There are 40 quintillion black holes in our Universe, by Ethan Siegel, October 30, 2023, at https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/40-quintillion-black-holes-in-universe/, accessed 5-14-24).

     This reveals that a star can be letting its light shine, and then seemingly overnight completely changes into a Black Hole!  One day its sending light to all around, the next day its absorbing light from all around.  One day its humbly sacrificing itself to shine for others, the next its proudly letting others sacrifice themselves to support its growing darkness.  This dramatic change deceptively occurs without any big event signaling the change, and without any warning that the change has occurred!

6)    It is possible that if the daily hydrogen fuel could be restored after a star begins to die, then it no longer would need to feed upon itself or upon others in order to live.  In this scenario, the dying process of a Red Giant or Red Supergiant Star could be reversed, and it would then shrink back down in size until it was converted back to its original shape, its original color and would no longer be dying.  But once a Red Giant or Supergiant Star dies, collapses upon itself and goes out in darkness, or becomes a Neutron Star or Black Hole, there is no possibility of it ever going back to its original state.

7)    We can derive the following principles from these facts of truth:

     - The focus or purpose of stars as God created them is to daily and humbly depend upon God, to deny and sacrifice self in order to shine light outward to others.

     - The focus or purpose of wayward stars is to daily and proudly depend upon self, to shine brighter and feed off the sacrifice of others in order to grow larger, darker and colder - like Red Giant or Red Supergiant Stars.

     - The focus or purpose of some wayward stars is to make themselves a center of attraction by drawing others inward towards themselves - like Neutron Stars and Black Holes.

     - The focus or purpose of some wayward stars is to passively or actively cause strife, problems and destruction to others all around - like Neutron Stars.

     - The focus or purpose of some wayward stars is to passively or actively absorb light and increase darkness to others all around - like Black Holes.

     - The focus or purpose of some wayward stars is to exhibit greater deception than other wayward stars - like Direct Collapse Stars.

8)    Who can represent wayward stars that no longer let their light shine as God created them too?

Wayward stars can represent fallen angels:

     – One-third of heavenly angels who joined Satan against God were represented as falling stars (Revelation 12:4, 9).

Wayward stars can represent fallen human beings:

     – Deceptive ministers of unrighteousness were depicted as wandering stars (Jude 1:4-13).

     – Attila the Hun was represented as a bright falling star (Revelation 8:10).

     – Islamic prophet Mohammed was represented as a falling star (Revelation 9:1).

     All these passages reveal that wayward stars can represent fallen angels as well as fallen human beings.

     This shows that not every angel and not every human being are loyal and obedient followers of God.  Only heavenly angels are the true messengers, ministers, workers, witnesses and followers of God (Hebrews 1:5-7), while the fallen angels are the false messengers, ministers, workers, witnesses and followers of Satan (Luke 8:2; 1 Timothy 4:1).  And each human being can either be a true messenger, minister, worker, witness and follower of God (Isaiah 43:10-12; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8), or they can be a false messenger, minister, worker, witness and follower of the Devil (2 Corinthians 11:13-15; 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12).

     As stars can represent each human being, then each one have our own proper place to let our light and influence shine for God or for the Devil.  Since stars need a daily supply of fuel to live, then so do we, and what can spiritually represent this daily fuel from God?  Grace: we must daily have grace from God to keep our spiritual life alive.  If we daily depend upon God and humbly let our light shine for Him, then He will bless us tremendously with enough grace each day and will also establish us.  But if we do not daily depend upon God and proudly let our light shine for the Devil, then God can not daily bless us or sustain us with His grace.  Our spiritual life will then begin to die and we will have to depend upon ourselves to keep going until our light goes out in darkness (Job 18:5-6).  And depending on how large our influence was, we could become like a supernova where self grows larger and brighter until it explodes, and where an unselfish faithful follower of God used to be, we would instead become like a Neutron Star that selfishly attracts and then destroys any we come into contact with, or like a self-centered Black Hole that selfishly devours and absorbs any we come into contact with by our darkness.

9)    There is only one way for any to be saved whose spiritual life is dying, and that is to again humbly depend upon God alone for our daily supply of grace.  But once our dying spiritual life crosses a certain point and becomes dead, all hope of our salvation is forever lost.
     “For [it is] impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put [him] to an open shame....For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.” Hebrews 6:4-6, 10:26-27.

10)    Just as starlight shines very dim compared to the light of the sun and of the moon, so the light of each human being is very dim compared to the light shining from the Bible and from the Spirit of Prophecy.  The lesser light shining from the Spirit of Prophecy is still very much greater compared to the very dim light shining from you and me.  No matter how bright our light might be, it can never supercede or eclipse the light shining from the Bible or from the Spirit of prophecy.

     God purposely placed the light of all the stars many light years away from the light of the sun and the moon.  This was done so that no individual star, or group of stars, or even all the stars combined together could ever be able to supercede the ruling authority of these 2 lights on earth.  In like manner, God placed the light of all human beings far beneath the light of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, in order that no individual human, or group of humans, or even all humanity combined together could ever supercede the ruling authority of these 2 lights on earth.

     Whatever light we think we have is by no means greater than the light shining from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.  If we proudly think our light is somehow greater than the light of the Bible, or greater than the light of the Spirit of Prophecy, then this shows us that we are most assuredly  depending upon ourselves, which indicates that our spiritual life is dying.  We are trying to change God’s order of ruling authority in matters of the light of truth, believing that our particular light should be exalted above the light of the Bible or above the light of the Spirit of Prophecy!  This is exactly what Lucifer did in heaven.

     Satan arrogantly believed that God’s order of ruling authority should be changed, that he and his ideas should be exalted above Christ and become of equal authority with God (see Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19).  When God denied Lucifer’s demands, instead of humbly submitting to God’s authority, he proudly chose to openly rebel against Him, attracting as many angels to him as possible. But he was then defeated, cast out of heaven and became the fallen angel that he is (Revelation 12:7-9).  This reveals to us all that Satan is the ultimate and largest self-centered spiritual Black Hole ever, and he in actively seeking to devour and consume all who come too close to his downward pull into darkness.

11)    Stars are the only heavenly bodies of light that have gone astray from God’s original purpose to provide light in dispelling darkness on this earth.  But are there just one or two wayward stars in the night sky?

     There are around 100,000,000 (100 million) to 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) Neutron stars (Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia, under Neutron Star, at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neutron_star, accessed 5-9-24), and around 100,000,000 (100 million) Black Holes (NASA website, article titled: Black Hole Basics, at https://science.nasa.gov/universe/black-holes/types/, accessed 5-9-24).  These immense figures are not for the entire universe, but are only what is in our Milky Way galaxy alone!!!  Throughout the whole universe there are around 40,000,000,000,000,000,000 (40 quintillion) Black Holes (Big Think website, Starts With A Bang Newsletter, article titled There are 40 quintillion black holes in our Universe, by Ethan Siegel, October 30, 2023, at https://bigthink.com/starts-with-a-bang/40-quintillion-black-holes-in-universe/, accessed 5-9-24)!

     Dear ones, please do not allow your light to also go astray from God’s original purpose.  Do not become like a proud, selfish wayward star that ends up turning into a self-centered Neutron Star or a Black Hole to spread strife, death and darkness to all around!  But instead remain daily humbly dependant upon God for His grace to be unselfish and self-sacrificing in letting your light shine by aiding the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy in dispelling all darkness.