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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() BABYLON: Part 5 - Fruits quotes
![]() 1) --The wrath of God, being the literal seven last plagues which fall upon the wicked and kills them (Revelation 16; Early Writings, p 44, 64, 289-290; Testimonies, vol 5, p 211, 634; vol 9, p 234-235).
--The non-immortality of the soul (Job 4:17; 1 Timothy 6:15-16; Hebrews 9:27), that there is only a grave to rest in death, but no hell or purgatory to descend into (1 Corinthians 15:51; Acts 13:36; Psalms 88:10-12; Ecclesiastes 9:5-6). And the gift of immortality only given to the righteous at Christ's second coming (2 Timothy 2:11-12; Job 19:26-27; Revelation 20:4-6; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; Great Controversy, p 549-551, 586-587; Testimonies, vol 1, p 344; Gospel Workers, p 119-120).
--The Sanctuary in heaven (Great Controversy, p 324-329, 351-353, 398-400, 409-436; Patriarchs and Prophets, p 351-358) with 2 apartments (Hebrews 9 & 10)--the holy place (Revelation 4:1-5; Hebrews 9:2, 6, 12, 6:19; Leviticus 16:15) and most holy place (Revelation 11:19; Hebrews 9:3-5, 7; Psalms 28:2; 1 Kings 6:16, 8:6; 2 Chronicles 5:7; Exodus 40:3).
--Christ's work of atonement in the most holy place, or the 2nd apartment of heavenly sanctuary, going on since October 22, 1844 at the ending of the 2300 days, and not final until He finishes His work just prior to His coming (Great Controversy, p 400, 419-422; Early Writings, p 251-254; Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 933; Patriarchs and Prophets, p 355-358; Testimonies, vol 5, p 472-473).
--Christ as the Head or first Minister of His church (Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1083; Acts of Apostles, p 360; Selected Messages, book 1, p 93; Testimonies, vol 1, p 78; vol 4, p 393; Desire of Ages, p 288; Sons and Daughters of God, p 303), also our only high Priest, and Mediator between God and man (Hebrews 7, 8 & 10; Bible Commentary, vol 5, p 1145; vol 6, p 1061, 1077-1078, 1116; Selected Messages, book 1, p 243, 332).
--The true church of God, being founded only on Christ and His truth (Desire of Ages, p 413; Acts of Apostles, p 175-176, 595-596; Testimonies, vol 9, p 147; Prophets and Kings, p 595-596), with the marks of the true church listed in Revelation 12:17 and 14:12; which "keep the commandments of God," the "faith of Jesus," and the "testimony of Jesus Christ" (Great Controversy, p 453-454) which is "the spirit of prophecy" (Revelation 19:10) or the writings of Ellen G. White (Testimonies to Ministers, p 114; Selected Messages, book 1, p 27, 41; Evangelism, p 257; Testimonies, vol 4, p 13). Hence these writings have their continuing purpose, and are still to be followed today as a guiding light until Christ comes (Selected Messages, book 1, p 48-50; Life Sketches, p 198; Publishing Ministry, p 361; Testimonies, vol 5, p 64, 654, 672-691; vol 3, p 257, 260)!
--The Righteousness of Christ: being the precious conditional gift (Sons and Daughters of God, p 189; Selected Messages, book 1, p 377; Christ’s Object Lessons, p 223; Prophets and Kings, p 591; Sons and Daughters of God, p 369) which is imputed by faith to every repentant sinner (Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1071-1072; Selected Messages, book 1, p 392, 397, 317, 363; Sons and Daughters of God, p 240; Testimonies, vol 5, p 469; vol 3, p 371-372; Gospel Workers, p 161; Testimonies, vol 8, p 208-209; My Life Today, p 311; Mount of Blessings, p 115-116; Medical Ministry, p 115), enabling them to be accepted back to God (Patriarchs and Prophets, p 353), and then to receive His grace (Patriarchs and Prophets, p 431; Selected Messages, book 1, p 351). This grace enables us to overcome all sin, perfecting holiness in the fear of God before Christ's second coming (Prophets and Kings, p 175; Testimonies, vol 4, p 567; Testimonies to Ministers, p 92, 150; Testimonies, vol 3, p 528; Desire of Ages, p 555-556; Selected Messages, book 1, p 395; Acts of Apostles, p 531; Sons and Daughters of God, p 315; Testimonies, vol 5, p 744). We must use our will power to take the first step in obedience to God before His grace comes to help us overcome (Joshua 3:13, 15-17; My Life Today, p 100) and Christ's righteousness imparted to us (Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 972; Evangelism, p 596; Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1096; Selected Messages, book 1, p 241; Testimonies to Ministers, p 92; Messages to Young People, p 35; Desire of Ages, p 439). This truth also declares that the law of God is still binding upon the Christian today, and Christ's keeping of it does not free us from having to keep it also (Testimonies to Ministers, p 94; Sons and Daughters of God, p 240; Testimonies to Ministers, p 131; Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1073). Perfection is not instantaneous (Sanctified Life, p 10, 92; Messages to Young People, p 114; Testimonies, vol 3, p 325; vol 8, p 312-313; vol 1, p 340; vol 2, p 472; Acts of Apostles, p 560-561; Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 947; Christ’s Object Lessons, p 65-66; Selected Messages, book 1, p 317), but is progressive throughout the lifetime while striving and advancing upward on the straight and narrow pathway to heaven (Acts of Apostles, p 533, 560-561; Testimonies, vol 2, p 170, 408-409, 479; Messages to Young People, p 73, 144-145; Selected Messages, book 1, p 28; Fundamentals of Christian Education, p 218; Christ’s Object Lessons, p 315; Bible Commentary, vol 5, p 1085; Testimonies to Ministers, p 150). Thus while we are on the earth, no one is yet saved, or should say or feel that they are saved until they actually make it into heaven (Selected Messages, book 1, p 314; book 3, p 354). This truth also teaches that Christ's robe of righteousness will not cover any unrighteousness nor one unconfessed sin. And thus no one can find salvation in Jesus while continuing to live in sin (Faith I Live By, p 113; Christ’s Object Lessons, p 312; Review and Herald, vol 2, p 232; Signs of the Times, vol 2, p 307; vol 3, p 363; Selected Messages, book 1, p 396; Lift Him Up, p 150; Bible Commentary, vol 6, p 1072; Desire of Ages, p 555-556).
-- And that the Seventh-day or Saturday is the only Lord's day of worship as the Sabbath (Genesis 2:2-3; Revelation 1:10; Testimonies, vol 6, p 128), that it is the sign or seal of God (Ezekiel 20:12, 20), and there is no biblical truth supporting a change to Sunday as the Lord's day (Exodus 20:8-11; Hebrews 4:3-11; Ezekiel 20:12-20; 1 Chronicles 17:27). Thus we must keep the Sabbath holy in obedience to God if we would see heaven (Early Writings, p 37; Desire of Ages, p 206; Testimonies, vol 8, p 196-198; Great Controversy, p 455; Testimonies, vol 6, p 349; Prophets and Kings, p 182; Bible Commentary, vol 7, p 949; Testimonies, vol 3, p 392; Evangelism, p 290; Testimonies, vol 1, p 532; vol 2, p 705; Life Sketches, p 117-118).
2) "The third angel of Revelation 14 warns that in the end the wrath of God, unmixed with mercy, will be poured out on the heads of unrepentant sinners....God gives up such people and turns them over to the results of their rebelliousness....Since faith and love cannot be forced, what else can God do but sadly give up those who reject Him?
"God's wrath...is His turning away in loving disappointment from those who do not want Him, thus leaving them to the inevitable consequences of their own rebellious choice.
"Such [is] a picture of God's wrath..." Signs of the Times, July, 1978, p 19.
![]() 3) "...I will always fall short of my potential....Those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness...[are] striving after an elusive goal..." Adventist Review, December 6, 1984, p 6.
"...we cannot live without sinning." The Return of Elijah, p 95, by Morris L. Venden, Pacific Press Publishing Association, 1982.
"We are sinners. We will be sinners until Jesus comes, and sinners cannot produce obedience....All we can do is to give up ever hoping to produce any real obedience." Faith That Works, p 175, by Morris L. Venden, Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1980.
"...if we die to sin at conversion, are we going to sin anymore? We will continue to sin as Christians--not because we want to, but because we're human." Voice of Prophecy News, May, 1985, p 2-3, H.M.S. Richards, Jr.
"We should remember that only when Jesus comes can we be made perfect." Ministry, December, 1965, p 9.
4) "...God's remnant church is Laodicea which undeniably has its problems. But no less sure is God's offered remedy...The promise that Christ at His coming will 'present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.'" Adventist Review, March 7, 1991, p 10.
5) "...[the] Apostles' Creed, states: 'I believe in God the Father...and in Jesus Christ His only Son, our Lord, who...suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended to hell, the third day rose again from the dead, ascended to heaven...'
"To this confession...which in principle goes back to the second century A.D., The Seventh-
day Adventist Christian can say whole heartedly, 'Amen!'" Adventist Review, June 10, 1982, p 4.
6) "The Bible presents eternal life as a present endowment of salvation....Not just later, but now." Signs of the Times, May, 1992, p 11.
"If we accept His [Christ's] gospel and believe that the Father is as He represented Him, we have already entered into eternal life." Adventist Review, October 8, 1992, p 9.
(Another statement along this same line: Adventist Review, August 11, 1983, p 7).
7) "There is a sanctuary in heaven...In it Christ ministers on our behalf...In 1844, at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days, He entered the second and last phase of His atoning ministry." 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 312 (#23).
8) "...the sacrificial act on the cross--a complete, perfect, and final atonement for man's sin....That is the Adventist understanding of the atonement..." Ministry, February, 1957, p 10, 44.
"...the Act of Atonement was completed on the Cross..." Movement of Destiny, p 505, by Leroy Edwin Froom, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1971.
"Atonement has been completed..." Adventist Review, February 16, 1984, p 7.
"The atonement, or reconciliation, was completed on the cross...and the penitent believer can trust in the finished work of our Lord." 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 315.
"Today Seventh-day Adventist do teach that complete sacrificial atonement was made on the cross. But our pioneers generally did not believe that atonement was made at the cross." The Sanctuary and the Atonement, p 586, by The Biblical Research Committee of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Review & Herald Publishing Association, 1981.
(Other statements along this same line: Adventist Review, Nov 6, 1986, p 18; 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 106; Adventist Review, January 6, 1983, p 3; Adventist Review, February 7, 1985, p 9; Adventist Review, March 5, 1992, p 11 (p 251)).
9) "When, therefore, one hears an Adventist say, or reads in Adventist literature--even in the writings of Ellen G. White--that Christ is making atonement now, it should be understood that we mean simply that Christ is now making application of the benefits of the sacrificial atonement He made on the cross." Questions On Doctrines, p 354-355, by Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1957.
10) "...during His earthly ministry Christ was both priest and offering. His death on the cross was part of His priestly work." 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 53.
11) "Elder Robert H. Pierson is the president of the General Conference and, as such the first minister of the Seventh-day Adventist church....including myself as its first minister." Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (US Government) vs Pacific Press Publishing Association (SDA Church), Civ #74-2025 CBR.
12) "We see here that his [Aaron's] principle responsibility was to act as mediator, as a link between the holy and profane, between God and man....In like manner the [SDA] minister of the Gospel today is the high priest....Today we [SDA ministers] are the high priests....What a tremendous responsibility to act as mediators between God and man!" Ministry, December, 1961, p 27, 29.
13) "The four classical marks of the Biblical church apply to Seventh-day Adventists: its holiness (in Jesus Christ), its catholicity (universality), its apostolicity (in harmony with the witness of the apostles/founders), its unity (one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism)" Adventist Review, October 1, 1992, p 27 (parenthesis in original).
14) "There are Four Marks by which the church of Christ [Catholic] may be recognized. It must be One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic." Converts Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, p 26, by Peter Geiermann (see also The Catholic Encyclopedia, p 99).
15) "Church documents that prescribe the church's structure and governance confirm that all parts of the church are parts of a single entity. Next to the Roman Catholic church, the Adventist church is the most centralized of all the major Christian denominations in this country." Derrick Proctor vs General Conference of SDA, case #81 C 4938, Findings of Fact, Section B, Church Objectives and Structures, p 22, October 29, 1986.
16) "...[the 9 Volumes of the Testimonies For the Church, which was made up of individual Testimonies] was a particular message to that individual that did not apply to everybody....So you can't take the Testimonies and make that a general application to everybody....[So when] God spoke to her...that didn't apply to everybody." Kenneth Cox, WTGL TV interview, February 8, 1993.
"Her [Ellen G. White] writings had their purposes..." Angry Saints, p 108, by George R. Knight, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1989.
17) "Many wrongly believe that their standing before God depends on their good or bad deeds." 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 121.
"...[we need to] give up on the idea that we can ever produce genuine obedience." Faith That Works, p 168.
"Obedience is always and only by faith...never of our own efforts." Obedience of Faith, p 88, by Morris L. Venden, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1983.
18) "...He [God] does not expect us to fight sin." Salvation by Faith and Your Will, p 71, by Morris L. Venden, Southern Publishing Association, 1978.
"It is crucifying to admit that we cannot overcome sin, that we cannot obey, that we cannot produce righteousness, but that Jesus must do all of this for us." Faith That Works, p 172.
"We shall never reach sinless perfection in this life." Review, May 19, 1966, p 4.
19) "...God has not called leaders to provide a perfect, unblemished reflection of Christ..." Church Ministries Worker: A Journal for Church Leaders, January-March, 1987, p 4, published by the Pacific Press Publishing Association.
"God has already overcome the power of sin. We do not need to strive again and again to overcome sin. This is because Jesus has already done this, once for all on the cross....Is it presumptuous of us to try to overcome sin 'again' in our lives?...Sin is much too big and powerful for us to delude ourselves like that....No matter what, we are going to keep on sinning simply because we are sinners....Having accepting that, though, we do not need to get all worked up about our failure to overcome sin." Cornerstone Connections Youth Quarterly, 2nd Quarter, 1994, p 60-62, 65.
20) "Works-righteousness is the religion of the carnal heart, and always has been....It is not God's will that we make our way up a steep hill to heaven, bloody and bowed, unsure of whether or not we're going to make it." Adventist Review, October 8, 1992, p 9.
(Another statement along this same line: Adventist Review, March 2, 1989, p 10).
21) "...[the wrong view is that] we must do something to free ourselves from sin. It is the [false] spirit that teaches we cannot trust all to Christ, and let Him work out our own righteousness for us." Angry Saints, p 47.
"...we have been discharged from the law...[the Spirit] frees the believer from the law...and fulfills the righteous requirement of the law in him." Adventist Review, November 17, 1983, p 7.
"'The law has been carried out. Carried out upon Him [Jesus], so I am free.'" Adventist Review, April 6, 1989, p 13.
(Other statements along this same line: Adventist Review, January 2, 1986, p 13, Adventist Review, April 18, 1985, p 17).
22) "As to the believer's past, at the moment of justification the believer is also sanctified..." 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 123
"...perfection [in Christ]...is relative, or vicarious, in-as-much as it depends on a right relationship to Christ. It is attained instantly by an intelligent act of the will accepting Christ's imputed and imparted righteousness, and is retained throughout life unless a person repudiates his relationship to Christ...He is accounted perfect in heaven, not because he never makes mistakes, but because, despite his mistakes, God credits him with Christ's perfect righteousness. Unconditional dedication to the goal, and uncompromising pursuit of it, are God's only requirements." Review, June 10, 1965, p 12.
23) "Do you wonder if you are saved?...Do you believe that Jesus is your Saviour? Have you confessed your sins? Have you given yourself over to Him? Then, regardless of how you feel--
whether or not you feel 'right'--you are saved....Only saved people...are conscious of how short they fall of God's ideal....[Anyone] who loves Jesus knows and can know that he or she is saved." Signs of the Times, June, 1989, p 12-14.
24) "His (Christ's) perfect character is portrayed as a wedding garment or a robe of righteousness that He gives to cover the filthy rags of human attempts to achieve righteousness." 27 Fundamental Doctrines, p 114.
"...it is possible for the growing Christian to discover that he has a known sin going on in his life and at the same time a continuing relationship with Jesus." To Know God, p 93, by Morris L. Venden, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1983.
"...in the imperfect people around you...you have been able to perceive the robe of righteousness with which He has clothed them." Adventist Review, July 5, 1984, p 3.
"...[the everlasting gospel] involves the substitution of Christ's perfect obedience in place of our transgressions, and the substitution of His own spotless righteousness in place of our sins and pollution.
"That is the inmost heart of the Everlasting Gospel. That is the sole basis for holiness in the sight of a holy God....It is His righteousness, not our achievement. That is the Gospel in glorious operation. That is the First, Second, and Third Angel's Message in 'verity.'" Movement of Destiny, p 634 (1971 edition).
25) “Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel. And he answered and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of rainment. And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head. So they set a fair mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments....And the angel of the Lord protested unto Joshua, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; If thou wilt walk in my ways, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk (in heaven) among these that stand by.” Zechariah 3:3-7.
26) "'But,' you say, 'I'm not "without blemish,"...Yes, the blemishes and the blame are still there (as they are for the vast billions of humans everywhere); but nonetheless Christ's sacrifice in our behalf gives Him the astounding right to 'present' us before the Father and His universe as 'holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation.'" Signs of the Times, May, 1986, p 27, by Robert Wieland, (parenthesis in original).
"To have the Spirit of Jesus is one of God's conditions for salvation. Moral perfection is not....Christians still keep on sinning after they find salvation in Jesus." Signs of the Times, November, 1986, p 19.
(Another statement along this same line: Adventist Review, October 27, 1983, p 7).
27) “As the Jews departed from God, and failed to make the righteousness of Christ their own by faith, the Sabbath lost its significance to them.” Desire of Ages, p 283.
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