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November - December, 2003

     "There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is `PRESENT TRUTH' that the flock needs now." Early Writings, p 63.

Elder: robert sessler
E-mail address:  lightmin@terragon.com

The Family Unit, Part Two
the Duties of Father, Mother and Children

     Now, let us turn our attention to what are some of the duties of both father, mother and children in the family circle.

Duties of the father:
     -- he is the Priest or teacher in religious matters (Testimonies, vol 2, p 701).
     -- he is to lead his family forward and upward towards God (Counsels on Education, p 230).
     -- he is to bring each family member before Christ in prayer (Testimonies, vol 2, p 701).
     -- he as a king lays down the law for the family to follow (Testimonies, vol 2, p 701; 1 Timothy 3:4-5, 12).
     -- he is to be easily approached or entreated (James 3:17).
     -- he is not be arbitrary in authority (Child Guidance, p 250, 252; Patriarchs and Prophets, p 175-176; The Southern Watchman, January 19, 1904).
     -- he is to provide for his family (1 Timothy 5:8).
     -- he is to respect, love and honor his wife (Adventist Home, p 337).

     “The meaning of "husband" is house band. All members of the family center in the father. He is the lawmaker, illustrating in his own manly bearing the sterner virtues, energy, integrity, honesty, patience, courage, diligence, and practical usefulness. The father is in one sense the priest of the household, laying upon the altar of God the morning and evening sacrifice. The wife and children should be encouraged to unite in this offering and also to engage in the song of praise. Morning and evening the father, as priest of the household, should confess to God the sins committed by himself and his children through the day. Those sins which have come to his knowledge, and also those which are secret, of which God's eye alone has taken cognizance, should be confessed. This rule of action, zealously carried out by the father when he is present, or by the mother when he is absent, will result in blessings to the family.” Testimonies,  Volume 2, p 701.

Duties of the mother:
     -- she as a queen, also makes her word the law of the family (Review and Herald, September 15, 1904).
     -- she is to lead out in early training of her children for Christ (Adventist Home, p 246; Child Guidance, p 24, 63).
     -- she is the teacher, guide, and educator of her children (1 Timothy 5:14; Manuscript Releases, vol 10, p 179, 206).
     -- she to is keep at home and not spend time gossiping (Titus 2:5; 1 Timothy 5:13).
     -- she is to respect and honor her husband (Testimonies, vol 2, p 462).

     “If married men go into the work, leaving their wives to care for the children at home, the wife and mother is doing fully as great and important a work as the husband and father. Although one is in the missionary field, the other is a home missionary, whose cares and anxieties and burdens frequently far exceed those of the husband and father. Her work is a solemn and important one--to mold the minds and fashion the characters of her children, to train them for usefulness here and fit them for the future, immortal life. The husband in the open missionary field may receive the honors of men, while the home toiler may receive no earthly credit for her labor. But if she works for the best interest of her family, seeking to fashion their characters after the divine Model, the recording angel writes her name as one of the greatest missionaries in the world. God does not see things as man's finite vision views them.” Testimonies, Volume 5, p 594.

     “God does not call mothers away from home missionary work which will leave their children under the control of influences that are demoralizing and ruinous to the soul. Are not her children in need of missionary labor? Are not her children worth earnest and prayerful effort? Shall she neglect home missionary work for a larger field? Let her try her skill in her own home--take up her appointed, God-given work.” Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce, p 46.

Duties of the children, as the younger members of the Lord’s family:
     -- they are to be kind and affectionate toward one another (Romans 12:10).
     -- they to be respectful and honor their parents.
     -- they to follow the directions of the mother and father.
     -- they to learn how to be helpful in the family and to one another.

     And for the girls, how you treat your father will determine, in a great degree, how you will treat your husband.  And for the boys, how your treat your mother will determine, in a great degree, how you will treat your wife (Adventist Home, p 47).

     This is just a brief look at how God would have our family government arranged.  And if we would arrange our family government upon these biblical and inspired rules, what would be the result?
     “Some households have a little church in their home. Mutual love binds heart to heart, and the unity that exists among the members of the family preaches the most effectual sermon that could be preached on practical godliness. As parents faithfully do their duty in the family, restraining, correcting, advising, counseling, guiding, the father as a priest of the household, the mother as a home missionary, they are filling the sphere God would have them fill. By faithfully doing their duty in the home, they are multiplying agencies for doing good outside the home. They are becoming better fitted to labor in the church. By training their little flock discreetly, binding their children to themselves and to God, fathers and mothers become laborers together with God. The cross is erected in their home. The members of the family become members of the royal family above, children of the heavenly King.” Lift Him Up, p 253.

     “The mission of the home extends beyond its own members. The Christian home is to be an object-lesson, illustrating the excellence of the true principles of life. Such an illustration will be a power for good in the world. Far more powerful than any sermon that can be preached is the influence of a true home....As the youth go out from such a home, the lessons they have learned are imparted. Nobler principles of life are introduced into other households, and an uplifting influence works in the community.” Sons and Daughters of God, p 258.

     “Do we consider and realize that the greatest influence to recommend Christianity to our world is a well-ordered and well-disciplined Christian family? The world sees that they believe God's Word.” Sermons and Talks, Volume 1, p 77 (Manuscript 13, 1888).

     “The most powerful sermon that can be given the unbelieving world in recommendation of our faith is a well-disciplined family. Children that are educated to habits of self-denial and self-control, and are taught to be courteous, kind, and affectionate, will make an impression upon minds that nothing else can.” Pamphlets, #123, p 45.

     As home obedience is the greatest sermon that can be preached then children and youth, you can be responsible for preaching one of the greatest sermons to the non-believing world just by your loving obedience to God and to your parents!
     But with all seriousness, by not adopting this family government, even though we profess to follow exalted truth, our family life would undue any influence we could have towards non-believers.  Yet adopting and following this biblical family government, will not only be the greatest sermon that can be preached, but will save us many problems and grant us the peace of heaven.
     “We are children of the Heavenly King, members of the royal family, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. The mansions Jesus has gone to prepare are to receive only those who are true, who are pure, who love and obey his words. In the mansions above we shall meet to part no more. We shall know each other in our heavenly home. But if we would enjoy eternal bliss, we must cultivate religion in the home; for the home is to be the center of the purest and most elevated affection. Peace, harmony, affection, and happiness should be perseveringly cherished every day, until these precious things abide in the hearts of those who compose the family. The plant of love must be carefully nourished, else it will die.” Signs of the Times, November 14, 1892

     Yet this peace can only be maintained if every member recognizes their place, performs their duties, and especially recognizes the sacredness of the family circle!
     “The home circle should be regarded as a sacred place, a symbol of heaven, a mirror in which to reflect ourselves. Friends and acquaintances we may have, but in the home life they are not to meddle. A strong sense of proprietorship should be felt, giving a sense of ease, restfulness, trust.” The Adventist Home, p 177.     

     The only way to break the sacredness of the family circle is by one or more of its members betraying family secrets to others.  That is why God counsels all husbands and wives to make their heart the grave of their spouse's sins.  This is not talking about one who has committed a crime, but about personal sins or character defects.
     “There is a sacred circle around every family which should be preserved. No other one has any right in that sacred circle. The husband and wife should be all to each other. The wife should have no secrets to keep from her husband and let others know, and the husband should have no secrets to keep from his wife to relate to others. The heart of his wife should be the grave for the faults of the husband, and the heart of the husband the grave for his wife's faults. Never should either party indulge in a joke at the expense of the other's feelings. Never should either the husband or wife in sport or in any other manner complain of each other to others, for frequently indulging in this foolish and what may seem perfectly harmless joking will end in trial with each other and perhaps estrangement. I have been shown that there should be a sacred shield around every family.” The Adventist Home, p 177.

     “Oh, how many lives are made bitter by the breaking down of the walls which enclose the privacies of every family and which are calculated to preserve its purity and sanctity! A third person is taken into the confidence of the wife, and her private family matters are laid open before the special friend. This is the device of Satan to estrange the hearts of the husband and wife. Oh, that this would cease! what a world of trouble would be saved! Lock within your own hearts the knowledge of each other's faults. Tell your troubles alone to God. He can give you right counsel and sure consolation, which will be pure, having no bitterness in it.” Testimonies, Volume 2, p 462.

     Thus all members, including children, need to learn that silence is golden – especially when they are under pressure or temptation to talk about members of their family to others.  Just because they are relatives or close friends does not give a family member license to relate family secrets.

     Now what is the greatest destroyer of the peace of the family circle?  Selfishness!  Selfishness destroys the peace, sacredness, and union of the family.  Selfishness leads to breaking up or estranging one or more members from each other.  Selfishness will ultimately lead to the loss of souls, and it drives away the heavenly angels!
     “By speaking kindly to their children and praising them when they try to do right, parents may encourage their efforts, make them very happy, and throw around the family circle a charm which will chase away every dark shadow and bring cheerful sunlight in. Mutual kindness and forbearance will make home a Paradise and attract holy angels into the family circle; but they will flee from a house where there are unpleasant words, fretfulness, and strife. Unkindness, complaining, and anger shut Jesus from the dwelling.” The Adventist Home, p 421.

     If there would be no selfishness in the family, then there would be no divorce – because it would be the joy of each spouse to make the other happy (see Adventist Home, p 95-96; Manuscript Releases, vol 6, p 315; In Heavenly Places, p 207).  If there would be no selfishness in the family, then there would be no adultery – because it would be understood that the body of the man is the property of the wife and visa-versa (see 1 Corinthians 7:4-5; Exodus 20:14).  There would also be no generation gaps or barriers – because the attitude of “I know better and am wiser than my parents” would not be followed when facing important decisions (see Proverbs 11:14).
     If there would be no selfishness in the family, then there would be no need for drugs – because there would be no need for self-pleasing, and thus no need to find escape from pressures.  There would also be no need for crime – because there would be no need to find excitement at the expense of others.  There would be no angry self-centered words spoken – because the other family members would be placed first in importance (see Romans 12:10).
     If there would be no selfishness in the family, then there would be no thoughts of evil towards another member brought about by hurt feelings from imaginary slights or attacks – because the 3 headed monster of “Me-Myself-and-I” would be crucified (see Galatians 2:20; Colossians 3:1-3).
     But how is it possible to eliminate all selfishness from all members of each family?  Only through Christ!  That is why the very center of the family unit is to be Christ!  The very center of attraction for every member of the family is to be Christ!  And while the father is to be a representation of God to each member of the family, yet Christ is to be the main example for each family member to look to and imitate.  And with Christ as the very center of each family and family member, the heavenly angels will delight to dwell with such a family, bringing the blessings of God to each member as well as bringing a taste of heaven on earth to that family!

     For those who may be longing for such a blessing to come to your families, one of the quickest way to start obtaining these blessings is by manifesting little acts of kindness and love.
     “The manifestation of kindness, tenderness, Christian courtesy, is approved of God. The affection manifested in the home is a manifestation of Christ's love that flows through him from the heart of infinite love to bless the members of the family circle. It is love that will constitute the bliss of the heavenly family. Those who cultivate love in the homelife will form characters after Christ's likeness, and they will be constrained to exert a helpful influence beyond the family circle, in order that they may bless others by kind, thoughtful ministrations, by pleasant words, by Christlike sympathy, by acts of benevolence. They will be quick to discern those who have hungry hearts, and will make a feast for those who are needy and afflicted. Those who have heavenly discernment, who exercise tender regard for every member of the family, will, in doing their whole duty, fit themselves to do a work that will brighten other homes, and will teach others by precept and example what it is that will make home happy.” Review and Herald, October 15, 1895.

     Especially is this to be the responsibility of the father to achieve!
     “A great responsibility rests upon the husband--house-band--to bind the household together, by the ties of kindness, love, and harmony. In the patriarchal ages, the husband and father was the priest of his own household.  And still it is his duty to invoke in their behalf the divine blessing, and to instruct and guide them in the way of life.” Signs of the Times, February 23, 1882.

     For those members of families who are reading this, do you desire this experience to be yours?  Then start bringing your family into a unit, start governing your family after God’s plan of family government, and start experiencing the atmosphere of heaven now.  You can expect problems to arise, and from some unexpected sources.  But persevere and God will bless and multiply your efforts, because He stands ready and willing to give you the Holy Spirit which will enable you to accomplish mighty things in righteousness (see Testimony Treasures, vol 2, p 184-185).

     Now we have just covered a very small amount of this very important subject.  I encourage you to study more into this vital area, and especially to bring your families into a firm unit under God and experience more of His presence and blessings in your lives!  Begin now to be part of preaching one of the most powerful sermons to an unbelieving world to the saving of your souls and for the glory of God!


     We have been so busy lately that we were unable to get our Newsletter for September-October out on time.  So again we are combining this Newsletter with our November-December Newsletter.  And starting next year, we will be mailing our Newsletters out each quarter--or four times a year.  We again apologize for any inconvience this may have caused our readers ad supporters.

     In cooperation with brother Nicholas of Presents of God Ministry at www.RemnantofGod.org, we have begun converting all our Video Sermons into DVD.  As our master video copy of each sermon is converted into DVD format, the picture quality comes out better than even the original video master!  We currently have "The Two Most Important Parables of Christ -- The Ten Virgins" as well as "The Wheat and Tares" on DVD.  Soon we will have other sermons converted.  If any of our readers are interested in obtaining any of our sermons on DVD, please let us know.  We are offering them for the same suggested donation of our Video Sermons which is $15 each.
     We are also endeavoring to place all of our audio sermons, from both video and cassette recordings, onto our LightMinistries.com web site.  We have already recorded many of our sermons into our computer, and will be placing these on our web site as we get them prepared.  This way the important subjects dealt with in these sermons will be more readily available to help in awakening our sleepy people.
     We also have audio sermons available dealing with Bible subjects for the world on our TrueChurchofGod.info web site.  We will be recording more present truth sermons for the world as time goes along.  Your prayers in all these important areas of outreach are most appreciated!

     The Lord is continuing to bless our Web Site as each month comes!  In the month of June we had 42,800 hits, which were generated by 8,797 visitors, who stayed an average of 20:24 minutes each.  In these Visitor Sessions, 19,115 documents of Present Truth were viewed.  While most of these visitors were from America, we also had visitors from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Dominican Republic, France, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.  All our visitors downloaded over 35,106 files, which totalled 1,435,496,000 bits of information!
       In the month of July we had 49,385 hits, which were generated by 9,373 visitors, who stayed an average of 15:19 minutes each!  In these Visitor Sessions, 21,960 documents of Present Truth were viewed.  Again, while most of these were from America, there were also visitors from Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Panama, Peru, Philippines, and the United Kingdom!  Over 39,051 files were downloaded from our Web Site, which totaled 1,741,814,000 bits of information!
       In the month of August we had 60,940 hits, which were generated by 9,663 visitors, who stayed an average of 16:26 minutes each!  In these Visitor Sessions, 22,718 documents of Present Truth were viewed.  Again, while most of these were from America, there were also visitors from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Philippines, Poland, and the United Kingdom!  Over 41,674 files were downloaded from our Web Site, which totaled 1,923,396,000 bits of information!  So the combined total for these past three months is that over 5.1 billion bits of information were downloaded from our Present Truth Web Site by over 27,800 visitors!  MAY GOD'S HOLY NAME BE PRAISED FOR EVER!!

     This new Web site on the True Church is produced strictly for the world in mind, although even SDA's can be benefited.  Since this site was first put on the Web up through September 3, 2003 we have had 67,505 hits, which were generated by 12,227 visitors.  While most of these visitors were from America, we also have had visitors from Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, China, Cocos Islands, Colombia, Croatia/Hrvastska, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritus, Mexico, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, and Yugoslavia.  These visitors downloaded 1,370,000,000 bits of information.

     TO OUR YOUNG ADULTS: there are some new Chat Rooms available for our young separated believers to talk and share with each other.  The room "Eternal Youth" is specifically for pre-teens.  The room "Teen Room" is specifically for teens.  There are also other present truth chat rooms available, including a chat room on health, for any who want to meet and share together.  All of these chat rooms are operated by our fellow separated brothers and sisters and can be visited by going to www.RemnantofGod.org/pogmchat2.htm.

     We continue to praise our God for allowing this Ministry to do this humble work.  We also extend our deep appreciation and gratefulness to all those who have helped us to continue doing this work.  We ask for your continued prayers and support in this most important work for these last days, so that Jesus Christ may be uplifted and glorified in this dark world.  Please know that all our supporters share in all the souls won to the Lord through these efforts!


     "Let There Be Light" Ministries is devoted to the spreading of the full present truth gospel message worldwide, and has been doing so since 1986.  This Ministry has operating expenses covering the areas of: printing, publishing, and writing of present truth books, booklets, tracts, and other literature; video and audio taping, production, and distribution; supporting several ministers and workers in foreign Countries; mail order--both domestic and foreign; traveling to hold meetings--both locally, nationally, and internationally; answering correspondence and questions regarding the message of truth; offering National and International Bible studies; sending free present truth literature to contacts in many poor Countries; etc.
     Your gracious prayers and support is greatly appreciated and needed.  Without the Lord's guidance and blessings and without your support, this Ministry could not continue to reach out worldwide with the precious message of Revelation 14:6-12 & 18:1-5.

     May our God and Saviour continue to lead and guide all those who have helped this Ministry reach out to souls who sit in darkness with the precious light of gospel truth.  May our supporters remember that they share in each and every soul who has been reached by this Ministry and converted to the Lord and His present truth!


     We are currently supporting several workers in many different Countries on a monthly basis.  We check into the economy of each area and supply a base support which is adequate depending on their situation, but not extravagant.  This base support is to ensure that the monthly needs of each worker and family is met for that month so that the worker may devote full time to the ministry work.  In addition to this, we are sending extra materials for evangelism, and money for printing, publishing, holding meetings, traveling, and other necessary areas in spreading the Present Truth in their Country.  And as the work extends, especially will the expenses for evangelism expand.  Whatever you can send to help in this necessary and vital area is greatly appreciated.
     The work of spreading God's present truth is not to be limited, but must extend world-wide to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people before our Saviour can come (Matthew 24:14).  What better way of spreading the present truth gospel than by having workers who speak the native language, who reside in that particular Country, who can live and preach the truth, visit the interests in their homes, and spread the printed truth translated into their common language!
     "Our publications should be printed in other languages, that foreign nations may be reached.  Much can be done through the medium of the press, but still more can be accomplished if the influence of the living preacher goes with our publications....The Lord has moved upon men of other tongues and has brought them under the influence of the truth, that they might be qualified to labor in His cause." Testimonies, vol 3, p 204-205.

     Please financially help us to continue supporting our current ministers and workers on a consistent basis, so that the spreading of the truth will not be interrupted but can quickly lighten this dark world with the glory of God.
     "Every opportunity should be improved to extend the truth to other nations.  This will be attended with considerable expense, but expense should in no case hinder the performance of this work.  Means are of value only as they are used to advance the interest of the kingdom of God.  The Lord has lent men means for this very purpose, to use in sending the truth to their fellow men."  Testimonies, vol 3, p 208.


FIJI Islands:
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Fiji.
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts in Fiji--about $100 monthly.

KENYA, East Africa:
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Kenya.
     M Printing our booklets in Kenya--$2000 for 10,000 copies ($0.20 per booklet).
     M Projector, screen, and evangelistic film for non-SDA outreach.
     M Several different herbs, plus shipping--for our medical missionary worker there--$250.
     M 2 good PA Systems for evangelistic meetings--$300.

     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Malaysia.
     M Purchasing of Chinese Bibles--$7. each.

NIGERIA: West Africa:
    M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Nigeria.
     M Purchasing and mailing of Bibles and Bible Study Lessons.
     M Video projector for evangelism outreach--$3000.
     M Purchasing of several boxes of Ministry of Healing books--$150 (THIS NEED HAS BEEN MET, AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH TO THE DONOR!).

     M Boxes of 1884 Great Controversy books for non-SDA outreach.
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Philippines.
     M Printing tracts in the Philippines--$100.

UGANDA, East Africa:
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Uganda.
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts in Uganda.
     M A good PA System for meetings--$600.
     M Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books to purchase and mail.

ZAMBIA, Central Africa:
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Zambia.
     M Portable generator for evangelistic meetings--$650.
     M Computer for translation work--$600.
     M A printing press or Risograph Duplicator to spread the printed truth throughout all of Africa.

     Please be sure to mark all donated monies for any of the above Ministry or Foreign Mission needs.  100% of all donated monies will go where specified.  Unspecified donations will go where needed.  Thank you very much for making this evangelistic work possible, and may God's richest blessings attend you and yours.


     Thank you very much.  No let me explain that.  My wife and I have been going to the SDA (church) for 4 years now.  The one thing that we learned was how to find the truth in the Bible.  What a powerful tool it is.
     By learning to find the truth in the Bible we have found that the SDA is not the remnant church.  Your views about the denominations is exactly as we believe now.  We broke from the SDA about 7 months ago now and we have been studying in our home and we have learned so much more.  Thank God.  Our thoughts have been like the views you have posted for about three years.  We were just unsure on how to deal with our feeling and what we were learning, but since that time we have given everything to the Lord as instructed and we have heard His call and are following Him.
     We are excited to find at last people that feel the same we do.  We thought we were losing it for a while.  Now we are so comfortable that some of the SDA are asking us why we are not attending anymore, and we have given pretty much the same view to them as you have.  Some are listening....Our hearts are very warm while reading your web site.  All of our thoughts and prayers have been bang (right) on.  Your site just confirmed what we are experiencing.  The Lord does work in mysterious ways.
     Thank you so much and God bless all of you.
     R.&R.D., e-mail.

Dear Bro. Bob,
     Thanks for sending me faithfully your present truth, and to note more workers are getting involved in the gospel Ministry.  The end-events of the world is shouting persistently from this war going on and how far it can go, no one knows except that God is holding the winds of strife until the sealing is over, right?
     Somehow, we have nothing to fear for Jesus assured us not to be troubled for better things are yet coming.  Beyond war, diseases, pain, sickness, death, divorces, economic collapse, etc., better promises are yet to come.  Amidst the tempest/turmoil from global chaos, etc., the book of Revelation speaks peace.  Jesus will soon come...Let us look forward eagerly to be celestial celebrities and live with Jesus forever and ever.
     Keep up the good work and God bless you.
     In the blessed hope, L.D., Canada.

Dear Bob and Family,
     I hope the Sesslers are still doing well and receiving God's blessings.  We are doing very well.  Our Ministry has grown to such an extent that we can hardly keep up with it.  (Editor's Note: Praise God!)
     We send out literature to about 70 Adventists every month.  Many of them have separated from the SDA structure and are serving the Lord faithfully.  Many of them have established home churches and gain a great blessing from the literature we send them.  Others are on the point of separating.  We supply them with the literature and other materials and then pray that the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
     What we especially like, is the fact that my friends share the material with other Adventists who share it with others.  And so it goes on.  They also reach out to non-Adventists.  I constantly receive requests for more literature.  I am a very busy man!
     I received your bag of literature today.  Thank you very much.  I really appreciate it.  I have a number of people who will use the material gladly and profitably.
     A lot of dissatisfaction has crept into SDA churches and my friends can supply earnest souls with the necessary material to counter apostasy.  And it works!  Many SDA pastors do not like me.  I don't mind.  I serve a Lord who would like people to study the TRUTH and accept it....
     My photostat machine is giving me a lot of problems--its overworked!  We will have to attend to it.  At the same time both my video machines developed problems.  We hope to have them repaired soon....
     Remember, we are praying for you and your family.  Please give them all our regards--from both me and ____.  We fondly remember our visit to you.  Regards to the Cains too.
     Christian greetings, E. & D.B., South Africa.

Dear Brother Bob,
     We sure appreciate the work the Ministry is doing.  Keep up the good work.  We are praying for you and the family and those who are receiving the gospel through the Ministry.
     Your friend in Jesus, J.R., CA.



Dear Bro Bob,
     1 John 3:1.
     May I once again greet you in His wonderful name and may His peace, love and joy be with you always.  Thank you very much for the support and it came just in time and praise God for it....
     The Methodist yearly General Conference has already started two weeks ago and it still going on and also the Assemblies of God Church has also having their yearly General Conference since last week...I tell you that there is a lot of activities going on here in ____ for the past three weeks....Thousands of tracts, booklets, pamphlets, books, etc., etc., were distributed out to the people everyday.  We visited their camps, churches and the places they are meeting, distributing our literatures to them.
     I have been meeting a lot of people, sometimes I was invited, sometimes they come to meet me in town or I go to their houses even when they see me in the city.  They will come to meet me and ask questions.  This is why more people are now fellowshipping at their very homes.  Just this morning before sending this report to you, I spend almost an hour with two Fijian couples explaining to them the truth for this last day touching on a lot of subjects.  I have been receiving telephone calls and letters from people around Fiji asking me questions on what they want to know about the Ministries and the truth of today.
     I visited ____ in the beginning of this month and met a brother who wants to be our contact there.  I have sent to him cartons of tracts, booklets, etc., etc., to help to distribute our literatures there.  As I have also told you that we have also established a contact in the ____ Division too, who will also distribute our literatures there.  (Editor's Note: Praise God indeed!)
     Translation on the booklet "Will You Answer Christ's Prayer?" is coming along fine and the translated booklet "Why Are Protestants Bowing to the Pope?" will (be) sent to you in two days after the final check...
     May God continue to bless you and yours.
     Your servant in Christ, B.A., Fiji.


Dear Bro Sessler,
     The Lord is leading His work, on 31st August, we finished the camp meeting of ____.  Believers praised God for the pointed message which they received from the ministers who were officiating during the camp meeting.  Also, they promised that from that day they will change their life so as to attract many souls to the faith.
     You know, the Eastern Province is dominated by Sunday keepers and on our way to ____, we presented the Sabbath truth to the travellers whom we were travelling with.  Many were moved to hear such message, but at the same time Satan was provoked and moved in one man who wanted to fight us.  But the conductor and travellers defended us.  The man alighted on the way with many curses which he received from his tribal men and women.  At the end, we alighted at ____ where men and women who were traveling with us praised God for hearing such message for their first time.
     The work of salvation is on, (and) double effort is needed, and God needs men who are fully devoted into this course...
     I received August and September effort (support).  It made easier the journey (expenses) to ____ and it will help my travelling to Western part of Kenya where I am going to answer calls from my brethren.
     May God bless you.
     Yours in the Lord, S.O., Kenya.

Dear brethren,
     Christian greetings.
     We are just from this year's camp meetings at ____ and ____, ____, ____ and myself were in ____, whiles brothers ____, ____ were at ____....The camp was one of the most blessed in recent years.  God has taken the (work) in His own hands, and we saw this on Sabbath.  A group of brothers and their families stepped forward to link up with (us) in this glorious message, when their pastor told them no more to present the third angel's message as that would cause discontent with the Catholics!  Remember these brothers and sisters in your prayers.
     However, the devil tried to spoil this wonderful work by hindering ____ to attend.  Thieves had broken into his house in ____, while he as ministering, and stole everything with exception of a few old clothes, mattresses, beddings, utensils, and all!  But thank God he had courage enough to come to meeting on Tuesday....Here is indeed a needy case among us.
     Thank you for your constant prayers and moral support and encouragements.
     I., Kenya.

Dear Br. Bob,
     1 John 3:1
     Praisings and glory to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has given us the daily breath and life eternal.  The month of August was tough or hard, but we praise God because we are through (it).
     The medical report: cuts - 1 person; cough - 5 people; digestive disorders - 1 person; fatigue - 2 people; sterility - 2 people; nervous - 1 person; sore throat - 3 people; ulcers - 2 people.
     Meru camp meeting was nice and unique of itself because it was like a new movement being born.  We had a good number of new members who separated from ____ SDA church, so we enjoyed being together.
     Of the things which were stolen from my house (while I was away just before the Meru camp meeting) was of about Ksh 104,550 (about $1,300 US in materials).  I've tried to trace but I've recovered nothing as yet.  The policemen (are) asking something small to assist, but I am not the kind.  I leave everything for God to solve.  I need prayers as I go through this hardest situation. (Editor's Note: we are indeed keeping you in our prayers, and will send what we can).
     May God bless you.
     Yours in service, P.N., Kenya.


Dear Elder Bob,
     "We are nearing the close of this earth's history; soon we shall stand before the great white throne.  Soon your time for work will be forever past.  Watch for opportunities to speak a word in season to those with whom you come in contact.  Do not wait to become acquainted before you offer them the priceless treasures of truth.  Go to work, and ways will open before you." 7T 16.
     Sorry for my late report.  How are you?  I pray that all your ministry work will be under the divine guidance and protection of our wonderful Lord despite those unfavorable circumstances such as electricity failure.  May your work there continue to flourish and help speed up the last day gospel far and wide.
     I would like to let you know that I have finished the translation and input of about ten of those set of tracts that you sent to me months ago. (Editor's Note: may God be praised!)  I don't know how to format like the original, they were done with A4 (paper size), this will suit the input of Chinese character.  Most can be done in one double page, but some have to use 3....One operation system of my computer got crashed and need to be fixed before I can do some further format, proof-reading and print-outs.  I will mail you the whole set of tracts as soon as they are finished...
     May the Holy Spirit strengthen us in His work in the short remaining days!  Richest blessings upon your Ministry too!
     In His service, V., Malaysia.


Beloved Elder Bob,
     My greetings come to you from the book of Romans 8:16.  Praise God!  This Scripture brings peace and joy to my soul and I hope it does the same to yours and as well as to those around you.
     I pray that the good Lord is blessing your work for Him just as He is blessing mine here.  Our Mighty and merciful heavenly Father has wrought tremendously here again this month.  However, before I share my testimony, kindly permit me to share with you the following inspired statements...
     "The work of Christ was largely made up of personal interviews.  He had a faithful regard for the one-soul audience.  From that one soul the intelligence received was carried to thousands." Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 115....
     "In Christlike sympathy we should come close to men individually, and seek to awaken their interest in the great things of eternal life.  Their hearts may be as hard as the beaten highway, and apparently it may be a useless effort to present the Saviour to them; but while logic may fail to more, and argument be powerless to convince, the love of Christ, revealed in personal ministry, may soften the stony heart, so that the seed of truth can take root." Christ's Object Lessons, p. 57....
     It was my pleasure and privilege to see the above fulfilled to the letter when the Lord permitted me to host one of the Baptist church pastor...I have been studying with the man since last year when the Lord allowed our paths to cross....
     Upon receiving the above last call (from him), I recognized the providence of God in this and I swiftly went after him and brought him and his daughter into our home/ministry....
     It was a sweet experience for me each day as I sat with him studying our beautiful third angels messages and health reform messages....Lots of questions were asked and answers were given to his satisfaction.  Although, he has not openly confess that he accepts the Sabbath truth but he has not condemn it either.  The seeds of truth have been graciously planted into his mind and I believe the Lord is still working to cause them to germinate and be fruitful in his life....
     They left this place on Sunday 17th of August as vegans and an attitude to investigate our "Present Truths" further.  They pledged to God in their prayers to continue practicing all that they have learnt.  I also promise to keep in touch.  Glory be to the only One that deserves it.
     In relation to door-to-door outreach and Bible correspondence work, our heavenly Father continues to bless His work and our efforts.  Many souls were reached for Jesus.  We have received seventeen responses so far and by faith, we are still looking forward to more.  Some of our current students sent in their "finished lesson study booklets" and we have eleven at hand for marking or grading.   Praise God!...
     I shall be looking forward to hearing from you soon.  May our efforts and lives continue to hasten the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May God richly bless you in all that you are doing for Him.
     Your servant in the Lord's word, S.A., Nigeria, West Africa.


(Combination of 2 letters) Dear Bro. Bob,
     3 John 2, 1 John 3:1....
     As of now I have finished already two more other tracts, but I can't send to you it now.  Our computer got some trouble and defects almost two weeks now.  I didn't yet input those translations into our own computer because of those problems.  I now just renting a computer here.  But as soon as the computer get okay I will send it to you.  I am now concentrating on translation, writing it in a notebook.  I have finished the tracts "Curse of the Law" and "Two Laws?" and will start other tracts again....
     Anyway, last Sabbath we held our monthly fellowship here in ____.  Sad to say that not all our brethren here in ____ were able to attend.  Our brothers and sisters from one island can't able to come because of the stormy weather.  During Sabbath afternoon, we went to our elder brother in the faith who is very sick.  We visited him and his family giving some words of encouragement and help.  Please include him in your prayer. (Editor's Note: He is in our prayers along with all my other precious brothers and sisters).
     The Lord is so good and merciful that He is always there in our side.  He always gives us the strength we need during time of trials and temptations.  I praise Him for what He has done for me, for His goodness and loving kindness.  May He find us faithful unto the end.
     Till here for now.  May God bless you, your Ministry and your family always.
     Sister in Christ, S.B., Philippines.


Elder Sessler,
     Precious greetings in Jesus' name.  After some good time I take this chance to write that side as (to) the work of God.
     The times have been very troublesome, brother Oluge passed away some time last month.  This is the brother who gave the unfinished church building in ____, he alone had believed the present truth in the clan.  Some brothers and sisters have been bed ridden, but thanks be to God (as) they are getting better.
     As per the work, the Lord hath opened up avenues for His work to extend His kingdom of grace to those who have opened up their doors to the boundless grace of the blessed Redeemer.  Books and tracts have been taken by brothers to different stations.  We have over-heard people defending the Sabbath, who do not seem to attend any church, this I believe has been due (to) the silent messengers.
     God willing in the near future we (are) planning to hold open air meetings in different places as the Lord shall lead us.  Stand with (us) in your prayers for the work of God in Uganda and other parts of the world....
     Yours in Christ, K.I., Uganda.


Dear Elder Bob,
     I count it a blessing to report to you that the work of the Southern countries is going on fine.  I praise God the unity He has put among us.
     In this month of August I was asked by the church to send letters to brethren in this faith around our country to come and attend the camp meeting.  Brethren in Namibia and South Africa were ready and...came driving.  This gave us a very big courage...
     Elder Bob, I want to report to you that this camp meeting was really a great blessing due (to) the messages which came at the right time.  These were awaking messages and after the brethren left back, it has left a lot of dust (solemn thinking) among us.  A great revival is taking place in the home churches.  Praise God (that) two prominent elders from the SDA (church) who attended the meeting are in the home churches now.  Besides we have two families from the SDA (church) who are also with us in ____ home church.
     Now due to these truths which are going on, the devil is really on some of our leaders.  Praise God that others like elder ____ has stood like Paul to bear and take these truths.  And a lot has already been done and we are only down (hindered from spreading it farther) by (lack of) the support.  That is why I am praying to God that through you, others may raise and give support to elder ____, and help us to see this truth go.  Many many are now coming to this message and the work is big....
     Now elder Bob, I pray that you (will) pray for me as never before cause (we) are really in great trouble by my family and my own wife.  The devil is on me over life and just wanting to kill me.  I am just living by Paul's encouragements, 2 Corinth. 12:7 and thank you for (the) verse 8 & 9--here I stand, not me by Christ only.  And to this situation today I commit my spirit into God's hands that if I die anytime from now I may meet Jesus when He will come again. Ps 31:5.  I am not afraid anymore if this is my CUP I have to take it.  I end up here as my tears drops. (Editor's Note: please know that you are indeed in our prayers and thoughts, so you are not alone without tender human sympathy, my dear brother!)
     Elder Bob, pray for me.  Ps 129:2; Ps 31:15; Ps 27:4....
     Your fellow servant in the gospel, W.M., Zambia.