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"LET THERE BE LIGHT" Ministries | home | The Trinity
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![]() “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1.
Is this verse teaching that there was only 1 God in the beginning who created the heaven and the earth? The Hebrew word for God used in this text is “Elohiym” (Strong’s Exhaustive Hebrew Concordance, word #430) which is the plural form of 1 God. So the text correctly reads: “in the beginning, Gods created the heaven and the earth.” Hence in the very first verse of the Bible, we have the truth taught to us that there was more than just 1 God in the beginning who involved Themselves in creating the heaven and the earth!
Now this true biblical belief that there is more than 1 God in heaven is not the Trinity doctrine. Trinity teaches that there is only 1 God who split Himself into 3 Persons. As soon as you understand that there is more than just 1 God in heaven, the Trinity doctrine is seen to be error, and its spiritualistic foundation crumbles. So when you understand that there is more than 1 God in heaven, and that the Trinity doctrine is not Biblical truth, you then are beginning to be set free from all spiritualism!
Then how many Gods are there in heaven? To discover how many Gods there are, let us see how many different beings were involved in creating the heaven and the earth.
“...God, who created all things by Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 3:9.
“(God) Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.” Hebrews 1:2.
“For by him (Jesus Christ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colossians 1:16-17.
So we see that there were at least two beings involved in creation: God–the Father and Jesus Christ His Son. But were these the only beings who involved Themselves in creation?
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Genesis 1:2.
“By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.” Job 26:13.
“Thou sendest forth thy spirit, they are created: and thou renewest the face of the earth.” Psalms 104:30.
So we see that there were not just two beings involved in creation, but there were actually three beings–God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible does not reveal that there were any other beings in the beginning who involved Themselves in creating the heaven and the earth. Hence we can now easily figure out just how many Gods Genesis 1:1 declares were involved in creation:
“In the beginning, Gods (or God–the Father, God–the Son, and God–the Holy Spirit) created the heaven and the earth.
Thus we can see that there were three Gods involved in creation! To understand that there were three Gods involved in creation is not teaching the spiritualistic Trinity doctrine of Babylon. The Trinity teaches that there is just one God who gave birth out of Himself to other parts of His essence–such as a Son and a Spirit. But in the very first verse of the Bible is given the truth that in the beginning there were three Gods who each involved Themselves in creating the heaven and the earth.
Yet some will still have problems understanding that the Bible teaches that there are more than just one God in heaven. Trinitarians will find it difficult to give up their Babylonian belief that the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit together make up just one God. And Spiritualists will find it difficult to give up their Babylonian belief that the Father is the only God, while the Son and Holy Spirit just share in His essence.
Then does the Bible back up the truth that there is more than just the Father who is God in heaven? Does the Bible declare that Jesus Christ is a God other than God–the Father? And does the Bible also declare that the Holy Spirit is also a God other than both the Father and the Son? If so, and the Bible does indeed declare that Jesus Christ, as well as the Holy Spirit, are also a God Themselves, then the Trinitarian and Spiritualistic beliefs of there being only one God is clearly proven to be utter lies from the devil himself!
So does the Bible actually declare that there are indeed three different Gods and not just one? YES!
“There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Ephesians 4:4-6.
Now I can just hear some people thinking to themselves: “How do these verses teach that there are three different Gods when it states that there is only one God?” In fact, this verse is used to prove that there is only one God, and that neither Jesus nor the Spirit are God as well. So how do these verses teach that there are three different Gods? Well, let me show you.
“There is one...Spirit”. The Greek word for Spirit used in this text is from Strong’s Exhaustive Greek Concordance, word #4151 and it translates “God” or “divine...Spirit”.
“There is...one Lord.” The Greek word for Lord used in this text is from Strong’s, word #2962, and it translates “God” “supreme in authority”.
“There is...One God and Father”. The Greek word for God used in this text is from Strong’s, word #2316, and it translates “God” “supreme Divinity”.
So putting all these meanings together, let us re-read the text:
“There is one body, and one God–divine Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: One God–supreme in authority, one faith, one baptism, One God–supreme Divinity and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.” Ephesians 4:4-6.
Thus how many Gods does the Bible teach there are? Is it just one God? No. Is it only two Gods? No. The Bible teaches that there are three different Gods! God–the Father, who is supreme in Divinity; God–the Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who is supreme in authority; and God–the divine Holy Spirit!
But what about the other Bible texts which state that there is only one God–the Father? Well, this is absolutely true! But instead of going to the extreme interpretation and twisting these verses to teach that the Father is the only God in the whole universe, which then forces you to ignore, reject or deny the rest of the Scriptures which declare otherwise, let us seek to harmonize all the Scripture to get a complete picture of this truth.
There is indeed only one God whose name is the Father. And there is indeed only one God whose name is Jesus Christ. And there is indeed only one God whose name is the Holy Spirit. So instead of ignoring the scriptures which declare that there are three different Gods in heaven, let us understand that each of these three Gods have their own name, their own Person and personality, and their own particular work to do in our salvation.
That is why Christ declared to each and every follower of God this command:
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.” Matthew 28:19-20.
Thus the Godhead is not a Trinity–it is not three People or Beings in one God. And just so that we will all clearly understand this important point, let us read exactly what the Trinity doctrine teaches:
“Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith; Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. But this is the catholic faith: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in unity...So the Father is God: the Son is God: and the Holy Ghost is God; And yet there are not three Gods; but one God…So are we forbidden by the catholic religion to say, there are three Gods, or three Lords…He therefore that will be saved, must thus think of the Trinity.” The Athanasian Creed, quoted in History of the Christian Church, Volume 3, Section 132, page 690-693, by Philip Schaff.
But the Bible completely counters this Spiritualistic Trinitarian and Babylonian belief by showing that the Godhead is not a Trinity–it is not three Persons in 1 God. But inspiration declares the Godhead as being made up of a "heavenly trio"--three powerful, holy, Divine Persons, Beings, and Gods. Each of these three holiest Beings in heaven have an important and distinct job; using Their own God-ship and powers in union and oneness with each other to save fallen humanity. God--the Father united through God--the Son united through God--the Holy Spirit united to Their true people.
Through the plan of redemption Christ from eternity voluntarily lowered Himself from being equal with God the Father (see Zechariah 13:7, Psalms 55:13) in order to take humanity as His own--not to do His will, but the will of His Father, thus showing the perfect pattern for salvation. The Father has voluntarily exalted Christ back to His original position of equality with Him which Christ (Michael) had in the beginning (John 1:1, 10:30, 17:5), that at the name of Christ every knee should bow (Phil 2:6-11). What love does Christ show for us to voluntarily lower Himself from equality with God the Father to become one of us--His creation! And what love does the Father show to us that through His Son we can become His sons and daughters and He our Father! And what love does the Holy Spirit show to us by supplying the grace and the power to make all this possible and effectual in and through our lives--transforming us from sin to righteousness--bringing Christ and our Father to our side, and being another Comforter and Intercessor! May the Godhead by praised for all that each of these three Gods are doing to save us! And our salvation is only made possible because there are three Gods and not just one, because all three must use their own God-powers in order to make possible and effectual the plan of redemption in us!
May the Godhead–God–the Father, God–the Son, and God–the Holy Spirit--be praised forever and ever, for giving Themselves to bring humanity back from sin and destruction to be able to obtain eternal life and be with Them for ever!
Now for those who still have questions, there is really very little revealed to us about the Persons and Beings in the Godhead before the time of the creation of angels. Hence it is God's purpose to keep it hidden, and it should be our response to avoid all speculation or theories about this--thus staying away from all spiritualistic deceptions. Some things we will never know until we can ask God directly for the explanation.
May we also allow ourselves to comprehend what Christ meant when He states:
“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” John 8:32.
What will the truth set us free from? From all spiritualistic error and falsehoods of Babylon! Please do not continue to cling to these spiritualistic errors of the Trinity and Babylon by believing that the Bible teaches that there is only one God in heaven, or that this One God literally gave birth out of his literal Person to a Son, or that Jesus is not a God Himself, or that the Holy Spirit is not a separate Person or God Himself, but is just the Father or Son. May you allow yourselves to be set free from all these Spiritualistic Trinitarian and Babylonian doctrines of the Devil by the truth of the Bible and thus become free indeed!
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