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Volume #28                      April - December, 2023                        Issue #124

     "There are many precious truths contained in the Word of God, but it is 'PRESENT TRUTH' that the flock needs now." Early Writings, p 63.

Elder: robert sessler
E-mail address:  ltblmin@outlook.com


     “...if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.” Matthew 19:17.

     In our last Newsletter we discovered that God considered His law to be of such importance that He would not allow any human being to tell it to others, but He personally spoke each one of these 10 commandments with His own voice in the hearing of all the people, and then wrote these same commandments with His own finger onto two stone tablets.  This means that these 10 commandments came directly from God and not man proving that this law was not the product of the mind of men, but was from God Himself.  Also since they were written by God Himself with His own finger in stone instead of on cloth or paper, plainly shows us that God considered His law to be permanent and unchanging.  And these commandments were His covenant or agreement with the people that He would be their God, and they would be His people, if they would keep and “perform” all 10 of them (Deuteronomy 4:13).
     We also learned that the God who spoke this law in the hearing of all the Israelites was the Mighty Lord God Michael – the Word, the Great Prince, the Great I Am, who was to become Jesus Christ – the Son of God, the Saviour of mankind, the Way, the Truth and the Life – when He should be born into human flesh.
     We also examined the 1st and 2nd commandments and discovered that these first 2 commandments were very simply stated and were easy for all to understand, yet they were broad and far reaching into all aspects of daily life.

     Now in this Newsletter we will continue examining the remaining 8 commandments of this great divine law from God Himself to see how to enter into life.

The third commandment of God is:

     “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” Exodus 20:7.

     This third commandment revealed how God wanted His people to communicate to Him or about Him, declaring that the people were not to “take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain”, and any who did would not be held guiltless.  This means that we are not to use God’s name in a light or frivolous manner in our communications, but when speaking to, or speaking or writing about God, we are to respect and honor His name.

     Now since the mighty Lord God had never revealed His real name of Michael to any of His people, but instead always gave them a general name descriptive of His character, then this commandment means something more than just not taking God’s literal name in vain.
     The Hebrew word for “name” used in this commandment is “shem” (Strong’s, Exhaustive Concordance, word #8034), and this word translates and means “a mark or memorial of individuality, character”.  This means that the name God did not want His people to take in vain was His character – which was a mark or memorial of His individuality from all the other so-called gods.

     As this is true that God’s name represents His character, then how could His people take His name or character in vain?  The Hebrew word for “take” in this commandment is “nacah” (Strong’s, word #5375), and it translates and means “to lift, accept, advance, bear, carry, hold up, respect, wear”.  And the Hebrew word for “vain” is “shav” (Strong’s, word #7723), which translates and means “deceptive, false, lying”.  So instead of this third commandment only forbidding the irreverent usage of God’s literal name, it more importantly forbids His people from being deceptive, or false, or lying about His character.

     God had separated His people from all of the pagan nations, and brought them into a special covenant relationship with Himself.  They were no longer to worship any pagan gods, nor were they to abide by pagan laws, practices, rules, rituals, etc.  But now they were to worship only the Mighty Lord God, and were only to abide by His laws.  In doing this, no longer would they develop characters resembling what was depicted of the pagan gods, but would instead develop characters resembling the living God.  And it was this character of the living God that His people were to then take or accept or wear in their own lives.  By doing this they would reveal before others that they had respect for God’s name because their very lives worked to advance, bear, carry, hold and lift up a correct representation of God’s true holy character.
     But if their character was different than the true character of the living God whom they claimed to be followers of, then their lives would work instead to lift up or manifest a false representation of the true character of the living God to others.  Thus by giving a false representation of God’s true character, they would be guilty of lying to and deceiving others, and guilty of taking the name of the Lord God in vain.

     So this third commandment forbade God’s people from believing that they could live like pagans, while still claiming to be His followers.  It showed that profession alone, without corresponding works and actions, was absolutely worthless.  If the lives of God’s followers were not in harmony with God’s name or character, then they showed by their own lives that they were not followers of God at all, but were really deceivers and liars.  Thus by the lives, actions and characters revealed to others, precisely communicated to all exactly which God or gods were being followed.

The fourth commandment of God is:

     “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates: For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:8-11.

     This fourth commandment of this covenant revealed how God wanted His people to spend their time during each day of the week.  The Lord God Michael plainly told them that “Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God”.  Michael also revealed that this Sabbath commandment was not something newly created just for the Israelites to keep, but had been first established at creation because “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day”.
     So the first six days of the week were nothing more than common work days to be spent in earning a living and doing anything and everything else the people wanted or needed to get done.  But the seventh day of the week was different: it was not a common day like all the rest.  The seventh day was set aside to be a day of rest and worship to God because “the Lord blessed the sabbath day and hollowed it” after all His labor of creation those first six days.  And just so that no one would forget this fact of truth, Michael began this fourth commandment of His covenant by plainly stating and even warning: “Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy”!

     Thus this Sabbath day of God was a day which Michael chose as His holy day for all of His people to worship Him on.
      “If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, [from] doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking [thine own] words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken [it].” Isaiah 58:13-14.

     From ancient times, all the pagan worshippers had kept the day of the sun or Sunday holy as a special worship day to their deity: whether it was Marduk – the supreme god of Babylon; or Amun-Ra – the supreme god of Egypt; or Baal – the supreme god of the Canaanites; or Zeus – the supreme god of the Greeks, etc.  But the day which the Lord God Michael had chosen to be His Sabbath was not Sunday the first day of the week, but was the seventh day of the week, or Saturday.   And this was not an afterthought, but Michael had established His Sabbath day at creation, which was before sin had entered in, and way before any of the pagan religions had first been developed.  It was those that rebelled against the Lord God and refused to keep His Sabbath law who had chosen to worship on a different day of the week and chose Sunday in honor of their supreme sun god to be their worship day.  This then shows us that Sunday, the first day of the week, had no connection whatsoever with the Lord God of heaven, but was connected with honoring and worshiping the pagan gods who ultimately represented Lucifer himself.

     As this is true, then this Sabbath day of the Lord God Michael was a special day between Him and His people which actually distinguished them from all pagan worshipers.  The Sabbath was actually a sign between God and His people – designating those that keep it holy to be a worshiper of the Lord God, and designating God to be the God and protector of those that keep it holy.
     “Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it [is] a sign between me and you throughout your generations; that [ye] may know that I [am] the LORD that doth sanctify you.” Exodus 31:13.

      “Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I [am] the LORD that sanctify them....And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I [am] the LORD your God.” Ezekiel 20:12, 20.

     So the Sabbath day itself was a distinguishing sign or mark between God and His people whom He had done so many marvelous things to deliver them from Egyptian slavery.  While Sunday was itself the day which was a distinguishing sign or mark between Lucifer and His pagan followers.  So the day of worship at that time indicated exactly which people were serving the Lord God and which were not – and the same today.  As the seventh day of the week today is Saturday, therefore any who are not keeping this Sabbath day of God as a holy worship day to Him are plainly showing that they are really not serving the Lord God of heaven whom they may claim to be worshiping, but are actually serving another god depending on the day of the week they choose to keep holy!  Thus by the day we keep as a holy day of worship today, just like anciently, shows exactly which God/god we are really worshiping and whose followers we really are.

The fifth commandment of God is:

     “Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12.

     The fifth commandment of this covenant revealed how God wanted His people to respect and uphold authority by honoring “thy father and thy mother”, and in doing so He would bless them so they could live a long time in the promised land.  Notice that God did not say to only honor your parents if they worshiped the same God you did, or if they treated you properly while growing up, or if they raised you without making any big mistakes or blunders.  The Hebrew word for “honor” used here is “kabed”, which translates and means “to be heavy in a bad sense (burdensome, severe, dull) or in a good sense (numerous, rich, honorable), to be chargeable” (Strong’s, word #3513).  So this commandment to honor our parents was not to be taken lightly, but was a very heavy or weighty responsibility.
     All offspring were chargeable to honor, respect and care for their parents irregardless of whether their parents were rich and had ability to take care of themselves, or were poor and had become burdensome in their old age.  They were chargeable to care for their parents whether they had been loving and numerous with their kindnesses, or had been very dull and unloving; whether they had indeed been honorable by properly and unselfishly raising their children, or had been too severe, demanding, and selfish.

     By keeping this commandment and honoring, obeying and respecting their parents and their parent’s authority over them, the offspring were also learning how to honor, obey and respect God Himself and His authority – who had manifested such Fatherly care over them all.  Thus in following this commandment, they not only would obtain the blessings from God which would allow them to live a long life on the promised land of the earth, but also to be able to live forever in the future promised heavenly land.
     Yet not only were they learning how to honor, obey and respect their parent’s and God’s authority, but also to honor, obey and respect others in positions of authority over them – whether these were religious or civil and governmental leaders, and irregardless of whether or not they felt these leaders deserved their respect.  Thus this commandment worked to promote harmony and contentment, while discouraging and eliminating disorder and rebellion.  It brought peace and order within the family, within the religious and civil or governmental community, and between the people and their God, while preventing unrest and chaos.

     But honoring, respecting and obeying parents, religious leaders and civil or governmental leaders has its limitations in one and only one area.  The only time the authority of our parents, religious leaders or civil and governmental leaders falls outside of this fifth commandment’s jurisdiction, is when their authority and commands directly disagree with the authority and commands of God.
     When either our parents, or religious leaders, or civil and governmental leaders urge or command us to do something that God commands us not to do, or not to do something that God commands us to do, then “we ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29) in that issue.  While we are still to respect our parents and other leaders since they are in positions of authority over us, yet when their laws or commands conflict with God’s laws and commands then we are instead to obey God first and foremost as He is the greatest authority. Whatever consequences we have to suffer, because of our polite yet firm disobedience of the commandments of men so that we can remain faithful to the commandments of God, we can safely trust God to help us bear and carry us through.  This is because God promises that “them that honor me I will honor” (1 Samuel 2:30).

The sixth commandment of God is:
     “Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13.

     The sixth commandment of this covenant revealed how God wanted His people to respect and uphold life, declaring that they were not to kill any other person.  Yet this commandment does not forbid all taking of life because then God Himself would be guilty of breaking His own law in regards to the flood killing all those who chose not to enter into the ark, as well as in the killing of many of the Egyptians throughout the plagues.

     The Hebrew word for “kill” used here is “ratsach”, which translates and means “to murder” (Strong’s, word #7523), and murder means “the unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another” (Webster’s New World Dictionary, under word “murder”).  This means that this commandment does not forbid all killing, but it forbids all unlawful or unjustified killing or murdering of others.

     Now next time we will be examining the remaining 4 of these divine commandments of the Lord God so that we can see more of how to enter into life.



     What a year this has been!  God is indeed working, but so is the Devil.  And for those who have noticed that our website was down for some time, as well as our email, let me share with you a little of what was happening.
     Earlier this year, we received a very large donation from a dear present truth believer specifically to supply most all of our Foreign Mission Work Needs.  We again send a heartfelt appreciation and a grateful thank you to them.  But the Devil was not happy about this!
     After receiving, depositing and beginning to distribute this donation, the Registrar and ISP hosting service for our lightministries.com domain and website decided to raise our monthly rate about $350 more per month.  This was done without any email alerting us of this upcoming outrageous increase, and we only found out about it when we saw their charge to our bank account.  We complained and closed our account, but due to their “policy” of having to give them a 30 day notice of cancellation, as well as their billing cycle starting in the middle of the month even though their charges occur at the beginning of each month, we were forced to pay for another 2 months of this insane price, or they would try to ruin our credit history.
     We then transferred our domain to a new Registrar and our website to a new Hosting service, but after this transfer was completed neither would allow our website to be viewed on the internet.  No matter how many times I talked to different support team/tech members, or how many assurances were made, the website still remained dead on the internet.  Also, no matter how many times I changed our domain record, or tried to point our domain to, or forward it to, another Hosting service, all my attempts were reversed and not allowed to go through.
     Since we had transferred the domain to another Registrar, there was a mandatory 60 day lock placed on our domain which prevented us from simply transferring it to another.  So essentially our domain and website were being held hostage and kept off the internet.
     Once the mandatory time had expired and the domain lock was removed, we transferred the domain to another Registrar and our website to another Hosting service, and in just a short time our website was again back online and viewable on the internet - praise the Lord!  Overall, our lightministries.com website was sadly off the internet for about 3 months!
     Since we had to cancel our account with our original Hosting service, we lost our email of lightmin@terragon.com that we had for some 27 years.  The Hosting service we then transferred to would not allow us to obtain a new working email with them.  So we were then forced to open a free email account in order to be able to resume communicating with others.  This new email currently is ltblmin@outlook.com.  We will let you know of any future changes.
     Dear ones, thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.  If the Devil’s agents can prevent a website from being viewed on the internet for some 3 months, and can also interrupt email communication, then time is indeed short!  Please get ready now because it will only get worse as the Devil sees his time growing shorter.


     The Health and Medical Missionary work in the Central African nation of Zambia is continuing, but needs more support to meet the demand for herbal and natural materials for treatments.  To the glory of God, precious souls are receiving valuable instruction on health, as well as natural treatments for various ailments as funds permit.  Praise God for His healing grace, and the testimonies for the glory of God.
     We again solicit and greatly appreciate your prayers and continued support in furthering this great Medical Missionary work, especially for precious souls to be won to Jesus Christ through this mighty entering wedge of Health Reform.


     We recently published a new video presentation titled: “Should We Wait For the Sunday Law?” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpZ8wRwgHaE&t=27s) on our YouTube Channel.  This and many other present truth videos on the world-wide web can be freely watch and study through.  All these videos can be found listed on our website under Online Videos (http://www.LightMinistries.com/SDA/id1245.htm).  You can also find these present truth videos on our YouTube channel - Let There Be Light Ministries (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqfJdqkw4QDXEuSyEQe7SgQ).
     Currently we have over 8,500 people who have viewed these videos, and over 106,000 minutes have been logged, and with God’s blessing and your prayers many more to come.  Please keep this great evangelistic outreach endeavor in your thoughts and prayers, and may God lead 1000's more precious souls to watch these and become convicted on the Present Truth before it is too late!


     "Let There Be Light" Ministries is committed to the spreading of the full present truth gospel message worldwide, and has been doing so since 1986.  This Ministry has operating expenses covering the areas of: printing, publishing, and writing of present truth books, booklets, tracts, and other literature; DVD, video and audio taping, production, and distribution; supporting ministers and workers in foreign Countries; mail order – both domestic and foreign; traveling to hold meetings – both locally, nationally, and internationally; answering correspondence and questions regarding the message of truth; offering National and International Bible studies; sending free present truth literature to contacts in many poor Countries; etc.
     Your gracious prayers and support is greatly appreciated and needed.  Without the Lord's guidance, blessings, and your support, this Ministry could not continue to reach out worldwide with the precious message of Revelation 14:6-12 & 18:1-5.

     May our God and Saviour continue to lead and guide all those who have helped us reach souls who sit in darkness with the precious light of gospel truth.  May our supporters remember that they share in each and every soul who has been reached by this Ministry and converted to the Lord and His present truth!


     We are currently supporting workers in different Countries on a monthly basis.  We check into the economy of each area and supply a base support which is adequate depending on their situation, but not extravagant.  This base support is to ensure that the monthly needs of each worker and family is met for that month so that the worker may devote full time to the ministry work.  In addition to this, we are sending extra materials for evangelism, and money for printing, publishing, holding meetings, traveling, and other necessary areas in spreading the Present Truth in their Country.  And as the work extends, especially will the expenses for evangelism expand.  Whatever you can send to help in this necessary and vital area is greatly appreciated.
     The work of spreading God's present truth is not to be limited, but must extend world-wide to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people before our Saviour can come (Matthew 24:14).  What better way of spreading the Present Truth Gospel than by having workers who speak the native language, who reside in that particular Country, who can live and preach the truth, visit the interests in their homes, and spread the printed truth translated into their native language!
     "Our publications should be printed in other languages, that foreign nations may be reached.  Much can be done through the medium of the press, but still more can be accomplished if the influence of the living preacher goes with our publications....The Lord has moved upon men of other tongues and has brought them under the influence of the truth, that they might be qualified to labor in His cause." Testimonies, vol 3, p 204-205.

     Please financially help us to continue supporting our current ministers and workers on a consistent basis, so that the spreading of the truth will not be interrupted but can quickly lighten this dark world with the glory of God.

     "Every opportunity should be improved to extend the truth to other nations.  This will be attended with considerable expense, but expense should in no case hinder the performance of this work.  Means are of value only as they are used to advance the interest of the kingdom of God.  The Lord has lent men means for this very purpose, to use in sending the truth to their fellow men."  Testimonies, vol 3, p 208.


KENYA, East Africa:
M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Kenya.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Kenya.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)
     M Projector, screen, and evangelistic film for non-SDA outreach.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Purchase of printing machine to aid in publication of present truth--$3,500.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)

M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to PNG.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in PNG.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Used SOP books.
     M Clothes to pass out to naked villagers.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)
     M Purchase of printing machine to aid in publication of present truth--$3,500.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)

M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Philippines.
     M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Philippines.
     M Printing 100,000 tracts in Philippines--$1,450.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)
     M Purchase of printing machine to aid in publication of present truth--$3,500.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)

UGANDA, East Africa:
M Monthly operating expenses for the publication work already established there.
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.

ZAMBIA, Central Africa:
M Monthly operating expenses for the publication work already established there.
     M Donations of any amount to help with construction of a home–$12,000 total cost.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Monthly operating expenses for Herbal and Health Clinic.

M Printing and mailing expenses for booklets and tracts to Zimbabwe.
     M Printing of booklets and tracts in Zimbabwe.
     M Donations of any amount to help with construction of a home–$12,000 total cost.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)
     M Mailing cartons of KJV Bibles and Spirit of Prophecy books.
     M Donations of any amount to help purchase a vehicle–$6,000 total cost.
     M Purchase of printing machine to aid in publication of present truth--$3,500.  (This need has been met - Praise the Lord!)

     Please be sure to mark all donated monies for any of the above Ministry or Foreign Mission needs.  100% of all donated monies will go where specified.  Unspecified donations will go where needed.  Thank you very much for making this evangelistic work possible, and may God's richest blessings attend you and yours.


Hello beloved of Jesus Christ.
     I would like to greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.  I hope you are well by the grace of God despite the bad weather that often manifests itself in this world.
     Like the goodness, the love of God reaches up to the heavens: Psalm 36:5: (NIV) “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”
     We continue to deeply thank God Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent for His eternal goodness in our favor.
     I imagine that one day we will meet in every way because you are useful in my life, the life of Community and the life of God's church in the world.
     Greet family, brothers and sisters in Christ. THANKS.
JB, Internet.

Dear Elder Bob:
     1 John 3:1.
     First and foremost I thank our God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has made us alive up to this particular time that we are sharing His love and goodness. Please, thank you very much for the support which you have sent to me. I have received it with goodness. We are living to a given purpose.
     I think this support has been for almost 14 years down the line up to this very time. I can say glory to God. He has the reasons as to why this happened. We are to say glory to his name. He who has sustained many of His workers without support will continue to guide as when it is plenty. Us as a people we are to say welcome and glory to His name because when the world was without form God was there, when it is with form He is here also so with Him everything is very good.
     You used to know me as a medical minister, not as a missionary, and still I am.
     As we are looking for that day as the blessed hope I can say some few words of encouragement. Those who wait for the Bridegroom’s coming are to say to the people, behold your God. The last rays of merciful light the last message of mercy to be given to the world is a revelation as His character they are to reveal what the grace of God has done for them.
     The light of the Sun of the Righteousness is to shine forth in good works - in words of truth and deeds of holiness. Christ has made every provision that His church shall be a transformed body illumined with the light of the world possessing the glory of Emmanuel. It is His purpose that every Christian shall reveal his own joy in our lives.
     May the devotional words here brought to view be an encouragement to God’s final remnant and light in a dark world: a world that has lost sight of the knowledge of the glory of God as revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. 1 John 3:1.
Yours, E.S., Kenya.

     Brother Elder Robert in Christ,
     We are happy in Christ's valuable name by your precious mail.  We pray to God for you all to be healthy and strong in the work of the Lord. I believe you are also praying for our ministry for our financial needs.  Thank you in Jesus name.
J.N. India

     My goodness, you have put many sugar on my cup of tea today with what you sent me. Thanks seems inadequate, but I do say it. You have helped tremendously to ease my mind on answers to my (questions).  May God Bless You.
S.P., Nigeria.

     Amen! Let us meet on the sea of glass mingled with fire.  Let us unite today in the kingdom of God which is within us by the Spirit of Jesus on the throne of our heart.  May we be crucified with Christ, and not indulge in self-pity which shrinks from fellowship with Christ in suffering.
B.D., Internet.

     Thank you, Dear Elder for this enlightening information. May God watch over us through all things.
B.Mike :)., California.

     Morning elder Robert.  This message is real wonderful.  God bless you so much.
P.C.. Internet.



Dear brother Bob,
     Praise God for all His goodness, supplying all our needs to His own glory.
     Last Monday I met with brethren ____ and ____, and after sharing gave them the support. We pray that God might keep funds coming for continued support.
     With the book support that you sent us, we have been able to secure a few books - SC, GC and DA as indicated in the attached receipt....We were not able to get Bibles, but hopefully a way will open for them too soon. Praise God.
     Tomorrow we will be going to ____ where we shall conduct a revival for four days to encourage the few brethren there to keep up the faith. These books will be handy.
     Thank you, and may God bless the cause.
B.I., Kenya.


(Combination of 2 letters) Hello dearest elder Bob,
     1 John 3:1.
     Thank you so much for this wonderful message. I am so glad & thankful because wonderful God has seen my struggleness and answered my humble and tearful prayers to resume my support. Praise be to God....
     Re the specified donations of $150 for the used clothes for the needy ones: It is equivalent to purchase 2 bales of mix used clothes worth K195 from the large Second-
Hand Retail store for the distribution out into the far remote villages/churches.
     Balance will be used for transport hire with some additional amount from the church expenses.
     Once again, thank you very for your timely support in God's vineyards....
     Have been away from home since May after sending my monthly support again. Today I am at the Youth Camp-site.
     Here we have a wonderful and Spirit filled camp meet here at the high mountainous village of ____ with the combination of the ____ and ____ regions.
     December 2023 we are looking forward to host a ____ National Camp meeting in ____ city.  Almost every church folks from all over the country is preparing for the camp. We need your prayers.
     When I'm return back & settle at home/office, will put all the words in detail for you how the Lord's work here in the black race of the pacific nations.
     At this moment all the gospel workers are on the marching order and unit as work moves forward. Though financial situation hits up strongly, but they take used to it during such crises.
     Most of our fultime & young workers received lower as K150 ($50) monthly and my heart was always in tears. Thinking that they (workers) will quit the job, but God is always in control. Such is a true meaning of self sacrifice.
     Currently we have 22 church building projects going on nationwide and this indicates that our missionaries are doing well in their respective areas.
     Number of baptism conducted two to three times a year. Field demand is rising but we cannot sent our workers there due to the financial problems. We move forward one at the time upon the limited budget.
     Your prayers are very important to us.
     Mid July I will be back home and do the better mission report with the pictures attached.
     With that, May our good Lord and Saviour bless you and family richly.
P.K., Papua New Guinea.


Combination of 6 letters) Dear brother Bob,
     3 John 2.
     Thank you for this email and for your concern with us here especially for the work of the Lord. With regards to your questions, the Lord is so good and and abundant in goodness for guiding us and blessing and providing us our daily needs especially through your support. With what you are sending me every two months I was able to share it also to my other co-workers and missionaries here in ____ and it is really a big help to all of us here. We used it solely for our personal needs and missionary work like travel expenses.
     About the building of the meeting hall: we were able to build already 5 pillars or.posts and we stopped the construction for the meanwhile because we do not have the budget to continue it. We still need the budget for 5 more posts, trusses/framing and roof and that we do not know where to get it as of this time. But we are hopefull and praying to God to send us help so that we will be able to finish it before the date of the camp meeting comes.  The land where we build the meeting hall is our property, it is under my name but it was dedicated to the Lord.  Brother Bob, please help us to pray for all our work here especially for the construction of the meeting hall, God willing to finish it for His glory....
     I want you to know that I already get the money that you sent without any hassle. Thank you so much! Also, I’m so sorry for not responding to your email and questions concerning the meeting hall as soon as I can. I wasn't able to check my email from time to time because I am so busy now for our work here for the Lord, for the preparation of the area for the camp meeting and for many others, that's why I didn't know that you already forwarded your email about the campsite 3 times. I am really sorry brother Bob and thank you so much for patiently sending it over and over again.
     Anyways, this is my report for what I did for the Lord and for His cause this past two months.
     Last April 3- 9, thank God that He allowed me to attend the camp meeting in ____, particularly in ____, ____. It’s a blessing and encouragement to see our dear ____ brethren and to joined and had a part in their camp meeting there.
     Last May 5-7 , we have our whole ____ fellowship that was held in the island of ____ here in ____. We were all blessed and refreshed
     These past few months and until now, we are working in this three areas, here in ____ province, ____ province and now a new field in the province of ____. From Monday to Thursday, if I have no work here in ____ or in any other place, I went and stayed at ____ in our country place. What we are doing here is that, we are cleaning the area preparatory for the camp meeting, and do gardening early in the morning while its not yet too hot. During the time that we cant afford to go under the sun, we do house to house visitation and giving Bible studies. And on the afternoon, while the sun is setting down, went back to our gardens. At 7 o'clock in the evening, I am gathering our young people in that area and teaching and training them how to give Bible studies to the people. We are using your Bible Correspondence in our studies, and helping them to understand it and how to present them to the people.
     On Thursday evening, I went home here in ____, to prepare for the Sabbath, and spend Sabbath with the brethren here. Here every Sabbath, we have invited several people that are interested also in the truth. Sometimes, we spend our Sabbaths in ____, but most of the time, we spend our Sabbath morning here in ____, and on the afternoon, we went to ____. They are new in the faith. They requested that every Sabbath they be visited or if we are not able, we can send some missionaries to guide and lead them in the Sabbath service. So that is what we are doing right now. For several Sabbaths already, we send two young missionaries there to guide and lead them in the Sabbath service because we can't go there because there were also several people here who are attending our Sabbath that are interested in the message. Every Sunday, we have our scheduled workers meeting for the whole Philippines for planning and for the progress of the work.
     Last year, we have a planned to open a work in ____, because some of brother ____'s relative show interest to hear the message of present truth. But due to some reasons, or maybe through God's providence we were not able to execute our plan. One of the reason that we thought is that once we open the work there we need to follow it up and do not leave them until we are sure that they are established in the faith. And since we have also a work here for the people in this 3 provinces, that we can’t leave, that's why we are hesitant to go to ____. ____ is far from here, maybe from here to ____ it takes 8-10 hours, and from ____ to ____ port you need to take or ride a boat for several hours also, and then travel again by land to the said place. But the Lord has another plan. The brother of brother ____ and his wife are members of the SDA church. They are against us in leaving the church. Many times that they were invited by brother ____ here in our place but they dont want maybe for fear that we may influence them to leave the church. But the Lord loves them and allowed circumstances and providence to lead them to the truth. They were expelled from their job because their employer wanted them to work also during Saturday, but because they strongly stand up for the Sabbath their employer kicked them out from their work. They try to look for their living there but there are always a hindrance to them until providences forced them to come here in ____. The Lord prepared a job for them here. And since they came here, we are able to share to them gradually the truth that we have. And now for few Sabbaths already, we spend Sabbaths together and they are listening to our message with an amazement. Praise the Lord for this! And not only that, brother ____'s brother-in-law who also worked in that said company was also expelled or removed from the work without any reasons. And they are also planning to transfer here as the Lord allows. Once they moved here, their mother and her husband, their cousins and their families will come also. Maybe this is the means of God that they may come to the truth. Please pray for these souls....
     The Lord is so so good and worthy to be praise! I can’t find enough words to describe how is my feelings right now, but Im so grateful to God for His goodness to us for this fantastic news that you told me. This is another miracle, another answered prayers. The Lord is so good for anwering my many nights of cries and prayers. He is really a merciful God, gracious and abundant in goodness. I have faith in Him that He will send help to us for this project but I didn't expected that it will be that great.
     You know brother Bob, with what you've told me, two prayers have been anwered. First is for the meeting hall and second is for brother ____....He never stopped in doing the missionary work in his own effort. When the work calls for him and his influence, he willingly and voluntarilly do it for the Lord, not expecting anything in return and never expecting or receiving any compensation. He is willing to sacrificed and leave his job for the meantime and attend first God's work and then go back to his work again. But you know, I have a desire deep in my heart that I wanted that time will come that he will be with me wherever I go and we will both do and help God's cause to progress....I know that I can do much for God's cause if my husband is in my side, I have a helping hand, a driver especially now that I’m getting old. We can do better if we work together. He has talents that I haven't. He is great in inviting people. He can persuade them. And that is a rare talent. We wanted to do all these for the Lord without any expectations that he will be supported. And thank you brother Bob for your offer to brother ____. I know that it will be a great help for our work here for the Lord. We can go freely in the field because we have the means to use....
     I am so grateful to God for giving me a brother that is so much concern about not only in spiritual but in everything concerning our work here. May our gracious and merciful God continue to bless you in return and give you more years that you may be a continual blessings to everyone....
     Thank you so much brother Bob, I already got the money. We will start buying the materials on Monday, we will first consult the foreman on Sunday to make sure what materials we need to buy and as soon as we have it, we will begin the construction. We will let you know how the money will be spend...
     Anyway, we're so busy for the ongoing construction. The work just started last Monday, because we waited for the foreman and his workers to finished their work on their other project. We just looked for some materials that will be needed like lumber, sand and gravel and hauled it on the area. Our area is on top of the hill that's why there are some difficulty of hauling. We need to pay for several persons to hauled it with the help of other voluntered brethren. The beam of the first five posts was being done since monday and was finished today, and they are getting ready for the another 5 posts and their foundation....
     I asked the supplier to give me discount on the price of the materials and he reduce the price and thank God that I got a discounts of almost 20,000 pesos. I need to order and buy the materials for the trusses because this is what the workers will do next. The materials must be ready for their work to continue. But brother Bob the money that is in my hand is not enough to pay for it. Can you please send the remaining money that is in you so that I can already order and buy the materials needed? The camp meeting date is fast approaching, and I am praying and hoping that it will be finish as soon as possible and before that said date comes.
     Thank you so much brother Bob for understanding. God bless!
In Christ, s.b., Philippines.


(Combination of 3 letters) Elder Sessler.
     Greetings from 2 Corinthians 4:17: “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory”.
     Elder I'm fine in Jesus. Our heavenly Father has every good purpose in all that He allows us go through.  I extol His goodness towards us, mercies and compassion has been overwhelming even though enemy of all righteousnesses has pushed us to wall.  With tears we have borne every circumstance knowing in Him we have eternity. It has not been easy, but (in) seeing Christ’s life, for that I would count as unbearable has lost its power.
     The Risograph is the Lord’s, it has it special part that none of us can afford to lose in such an asset for spreading the last message of mercy to a world almost covered in darkness.
     The item that Risograph requires for it to function better is a new drum, which goes for one million five hundred thousand shillings...(about $400 US)....I will do as requested to send receipts for accountability purposes....
     Moved to ____ visited ____ one of my distant sister lost a husband, opportunity was given in early morning hours, spoke on the need to know Christ and His ways. Visited some patients, prayed with them, encouraging them to believe Jesus and as their only hope now and tomorrow.
     The Lord in a special way impressed upon my heart the need to share with neglected people our neighbors and ministers of other churches I got some copies of Great Controversy and shared with Catholics, Protestants, Pentecostals, Muslims, Braham  followers, Bishop, Pastors, nurses, businessmen, directors of Schools, government workers and all who are able to ready and some tracts have been printed out and given to people from all different walks of life.....There are many who i plan to reach out, called upon to talk to families that have misunderstanding, personal efforts trying to use a very opportunity to point souls to Christ.
     Fixing the Risograph took us some good time, the battery, press roller, pitch roller.and some other small things, on print testing there papers were wasted, but thanks be to God afterwards we had break through. The silent messenger is back to the road only awaits paper and ink to roll out what Moses said Deuteronomy 32:46-47: “Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law. For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.” These words are words of life “For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life”.
     Elder I have been having headache, that wouldn't allow me the freedom read or write, (but) I thank God that I'm recovering. Thanks once again for your prayers the financial support.
Yours in Christ, B.K., Uganda.


(Combination of 3 letters) Dear Elder Bob, greetings to you through the great name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
     Elder Bob, am really humbled by His grace after undergoing a very difficult time. Praise God for this. Indeed He cares, moreover may the great Lord continue blessing you for this great work you are doing.
     Yes, the Risograph duplicator is with bro. ____ and it is working very well. Thank you for your concern for my family and work in Africa....
     I have received the support including all what you (specified to be used for) safely. May the Lord continue blessing you and the sponsors as we continue doing the last message of mercy.  I will send the receipts as required immediately I finish purchasing the items....
     Kindly find the attached Financial Report expenditure on the finances you sent to support the Herbal clinic and the Printing project.  Sorry for the delay in sending this report, and for the inconveniences this may have caused.
     May the Lord be with you and all the sponsors for these missionary works in Zambia and Africa at large.
Your brother in Faith, B.M., Zambia.


(Combination of 3 letters) Dear Elder Bob,
     I am taking special regard to the message that you sent to me Elder. In fact I appreciate so much your Christian advise pertaining to how I should conduct myself in this great present truth message. I indeed accept the noble counsel. I should also express my sincere gratitude for the support that the Lord has allowed you to send to me. Thank you very much Elder. May you too keep up the good work my dear elder as we gear up for soon coming of the Lord....
     I am greatly humbled to hear this wonderful news Elder. I really appreciate that kind of gesture...I really praise the Lord for raising a brother to sacrifice this huge amount of money...May the Lord bless you and this brother, is my prayer.
     I am very much humbled to receive this kind of support. I shall begin to run around in search of SOP books as soon as I collect the support on Friday. I will definitely let you know.
     Thank you for your kindness.
Kind regards, B.N., Zimbabwe.